need some help... again.


Well-Known Member
He is lying. This is insane. It would only work with a few strains and there is a thing as too much nutrients being bad for the overall health of the plant.
How can you say he's lying? When I used synthetic nutrients I would run my ppm during week 3-6 of flower at at least 1500 ppm, and some strains would go to 1800 ppm or higher. They got fed every second watering in this range. No nute burn at all. Nice green healthy plants.


Well-Known Member
This is the last person you want giving advice, she doesn't grow, she doesn't know!
Hence "Her growers tell her" lol what a joke!
Arn't u just the cutest little stalker.
Yes I don't know much about PPM's. So I asked people who know. Which I clearly stated.

I don't need a tissue Hun. I hav Tampax


Well-Known Member
Hydro plants will tell you what's happening. Get a blue lab guardian and a reference meter determine PPMs. PPMs go up back off on nutes, PPMs go down increase nutes, you want stability never ever trust just one meter........ Never been able to go above 800 PPMs with any strain. Advanced nutes used water 280 PPMs the rest nutes. You want to be on cruise control not in panic mode. Dirt forget it you don't know what the frock is going on until you see the plants in distress by then you entered the panic zone.


Well-Known Member
Probably not a nurse or a woman either. Plus I figured nurses would have better grammar skills, unless the schools in the northern states are ultra relaxed on who they let pass. The net is full of fake people with fake professions
these tits are real honey ;)

But your point is very valid.
Some people pretend to be gangster cashcroppers when all they seem to be are cashcoppers