Need some help on potting


Active Member
ok so i have the picture i made up (its amazing i know, no need to tell me how awesome it is lol)

Anyway... here it is

so my question is can i just fill a Tupperware container like that to save vertical room? because i only have a 3 foot tall box, so that will save me tons of room, i just want to make sure that it wont ruin my plant. but then the second part of my question is can it be in a peat cup that's half buried.... like in the pic on the left. the second pic to the right is just to show some scale type thing... anyway

answers lead to +rep hope to hear something soon.



Well-Known Member
id say go with it i dont think u will have any problems as long as u have enuff room for the roots to crawl around, how shallow is it tho ???


Well-Known Member
IMO the only problem with your idea is, the peat cup. I would be worried about it starting to fall apart and/or molding by the time your plant is done. Can you use a plastic pot or cup? I've never grown in that type of setup but, I don't think you even need the pot on top. It would seem that as long as your tupperware is at least 6" deep it should be OK..

Have you considered LST in such a small area?


Active Member
well im considering Scrog but im really looking to save room, the Tupperware is only about 2-3 inches deep but about 8 wide and 11 long

blah the more i talk about it the more it does not make sense lol i think i have to go look at pots again the only one i have is about over a foot tall and 10-12 inches wide... thats way to big for what i need, i want a 1 gallon pot or something... maybe 2