Need some help with Hermie questions.


Active Member
Hi, plus rep for help, I am very new to growing, I have one plant, almost finished(only plant I ever grew till harvest), in final week flushing now. A couple weeks ago I had root issues with a purple buddha female, she turned hermie after I fixed the issues. It is about 30 inches tall now, lots of buds on it and is side branching really nice. I was going to throw it out, but looked so good I couldn't do it, so I stuck it in a bucket on back deck, I figured it would die from shock and no air to roots, but it kept doing better and better, so after a week I added a airstone and pump to the bucket. It looks great now and I have no plant to put into the tent, so would have the tent free in next week. I figure it has about 1 month till harvest left on the buddha. I did pull off the pollen sacks(none opened) the first day I put it outside and now every 2 days I go out and check and remove any new ones. I am going to buy some of that reverse stuff.
I posted on here before and only had one answer, throw away, but being I have nothing to fall back on, this is the only plant I have right now. I have 2 plants vegging, but they have about a month to go.
So, what are the downfalls to trying to finish this hermie, I know I will need to baby it and pull any new sacks off if I want good bud, but otherwise I can't think of any more negatives. I would need to clean the tent good after just to be safe, but since the tent will be free soon, that should be easy.
What do you all think? Also, since my other plant is so close to harvest(could be harvested today) But I want it to be couch lock, would it hurt to stick the hermie in the last week with it or should I just wait till I do harvest. Temps here are getting cold at night so I don't want the one outside to die. I been bringing it inside at night.


Active Member
I will probably just put it in the tent and finish it. + rep to both posters. Worst case, I can always take it out if something else needs to go in.


Well-Known Member
i say seperate the growro0m so pol.lin doesnt get everwhere,.,get the smoke/seeds and do wat u want wth them.,.,but dont sacrifice potentcy and yeild/trich production to pollinating other seedless plants


Active Member
You risk pollinating your other girls if you have any with it in the same room if you don't catch the balls in time! I would keep it separate! You've come this far I wouldn't throw it away if you can just keep it separate! Good Luck!