Need some honest opinions on legal bud


Active Member
My nephew just ordered an OZ of that new stuff called Orange Krush. Cant trust reviews on sites and the net because you dont know if its salesmen or the comapny posting. So I was wondering if anyone has actualy smoked this Orang Krush and if its as potent as they say


Well-Known Member
Legal bud ? i would never put that shit in my body.! Its not regulated by the FDA and i just saw a law passed i think in Colorado, stating they are issuing fines and tickets for that shit. The fines are even worse than real marijuana fines !!


bud bootlegger
Legal bud ? i would never put that shit in my body.! Its not regulated by the FDA and i just saw a law passed i think in Colorado, stating they are issuing fines and tickets for that shit. The fines are even worse than real marijuana fines !!
i agree.. i've heard a lot of bad shit about some of those so called legal buds, especially ones containing any jwh's in them, but i'm fairly sure they're mostly all illegal now, and for good reason..
i wouldn't smoke any of that crap with a ten foot pole tbh..


Would you please explain the reasons as to why you wouldnt smoke bud from clubs, and also whats jwh's.
Am asking cuz currently i buy some buds from there,,,weird thing is they either smell funny or little to no taste, i have always wondered why.
The clubs are convenient at times (since i dont know many people that would hook me up in my area)
Thanks for shedding some light on the subject.


Well-Known Member
Legal bud ? i would never put that shit in my body.! Its not regulated by the FDA and i just saw a law passed i think in Colorado, stating they are issuing fines and tickets for that shit. The fines are even worse than real marijuana fines !!
ya i live here in colorado and for a few months that stuff blew up last year all the head shops were selling it. and to be honest it got me way more stoned than ive ever been on weed but they made it illegal a few months ago.


Well-Known Member
@dnoob these guys are talking about the fake weed that they were selling in colorado and a few other states it wasnt weed at all it was a chemical shit supposed to give you a high like weed but it turns out that shit is really bad for you so they made it illegal here in colorado.


Well-Known Member
BWAAJAJJAJAJ i bought that orange krush and it didnt do SHIT. they have great buds with great names, but they do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. not even camparable to K2


Well-Known Member
Some of the "legal herb" is just other plants that look and smell a little like MJ, but have no pharmacologic effect whatsoever.

The K2 "legal" weed and similar products, consist of a borderline-legal synthetic cannabinoid that is sprayed onto a legal herb for smoking in order to mimic marijuana.

Never tried it, and have no interest in doing so, but I've heard that the effects are somewhat similar to the real McCoy, only inferior in quality and duration.

Unlike the real thing, which has been in use for at least 4 or 5000 years of recorded human history, these legal analogues have only been around a relatively short period of time, so track record on safety is lacking.


RIU Bulldog
I've heard good things about legal herbs like k2 and spice and stuff. Most of the bad reviews I've heard are from pot smokers who never smoked the product and said they never would. Some say it's got them higher than cannabis. Thing is, the active chemicals aren't as tested as and no one's wuit sure how the affects are long term.
I say if you can't get regular weed and your desperate, then it might be worth a try.


Well-Known Member
i dont know if its me or if this guys talking about one thing and people posting about something else... are you saying its legal marijuana as in it was grown by a marijuana grower and then you go to a store and buy the marijuana, or is it that stuff that comes in a fancy package but isnt actually marijuana? because i get the idea that your talking about weed not fake weed?


Well-Known Member
No it doesn't have THC my friends smoke it sometime's.I just Laugh and rub it in that I'm chiefin on the Killa.