nematodes + SS


Well-Known Member
anybody using nematodes in their supersoil? how much should I use if I want to try it? Can I just apply them on the top of the soil of mature plants into flowering? thank you


Well-Known Member
well I like to use ladybugs but my population is on the decline and they are impossible to buy during the winter around here. More as a prevention, I have gnats flying around in each of my gardens but they are not a problem yet.

One thing though is I had really bad germination rate recently in my veg cabinet, and when I dug in the 16 oz container today, I found 2 dead seeds ( I didnt dig any other containers because I think they might still make it) and when I squeezed them I could see white worms crawling out. I figured they were fungus gnat larvae but I am not sure. Whatever that is, I think it's the reason why none of my seeds have come out of the ground (literally over 100$ worth of seeds...) ... and it's not a big deal I will start a few more in a few days and use fresh promix ... most of those seeds would have been ahead of schedule.

But it got me worried, the last thing I want is my plants in my budding rooms getting unhealthy halfway through flowering from little bugger eating the roots or something...


Well-Known Member
sorry for the long text...

basically, all I want to know is can I sprinkle nematodes on the top of the soil of my plants that are just starting to flower



Well-Known Member
sorry for the long text...

basically, all I want to know is can I sprinkle nematodes on the top of the soil of my plants that are just starting to flower

Yeah you can put predatory nematodes in your soil at anytime during the grow. I prefer to use the ones that come on a little sponge. They are microscopic so you just have to mix your nematodes in a bucket of water and water your pots. Fungus gnats wont really destroy your crop they are just a fucking nuisance but one thing I did notice is that if you get a bad enough of a infestation those fuckers will start to get stuck on your sticky buds. Nematodes and sticky traps!!! Hell I even take the sticky traps and wipe the lower stalks of my plants so the juvenile gnats cant climb up and down my shit.


Well-Known Member
yes my sticky trap are said to be non-toxic but I am not sure I trust them enough to do that!! hehe I think I will rely on my ladybugs a little longer and if it stays as is I wont do anything about it, but at least I know I can order nematodes if shit hits the fan.

I dont really want to use azamax anymore... trying to keep as natural as possible. Even if Azamax is organic you would never find such high concentration in nature and I have enough neem cake in my supersoil....



Well-Known Member
Nematodes rock!!!!!! (the beneficial kind)

I have two super soil batches cooking, and only had enough trash cans for one of the batches, the other is just sitting outside under some tarps. Within one week I notice gnats in that batch, so I picked up my handy Teaming with microbes book and skipped to the section about nematodes. Read about bad nematodes and beneficial nematodes.
I added them (sponge) to both my batches and I swear, within 2 weeks I didn't see one gnat!!!
I honestly think nematodes should be part of the official super soil recipe!


Well-Known Member
Green house predator mites for me, here in CO whenever the weather quickly changes, which is quite frequent, all the bugs try to come into my place. I've had Hypoaspis miles for over a year and all I ever see is them take out shit like fungus gnats, and at this point they are just in my soil forever because they live in my compost bin :) They are an active source of chitin for the plants as well, I'm a huge believer in chitin which I source from as many places as I can find in my soil.

At this point my compost bin is producing a quality of soil I haven't ever experienced before, and its free! Worms, all my trim/small roots, predator mites, cooked crushed eggshells, and a little peat/coco/perlite to keep it from getting anaerobic. Bugs blow, but even in that microscopic world our cannabis has its allies.

Smoke and a pancake,