netpots in your set up...


Active Member
i was thinking on using 4 inchers, but they seem to be sold out, n i wanna order b4 every one takes a break between xmas and newyears so i got somthin to work on, what you guys using? heres my set up below, what do you guys reccomend?



Well-Known Member
I use the 5" in my dwc's and 3" in my AF's...... 3" will even work. How deep is your res? Once the roots intertwine with each other you wont have to worry about them tipping over; and you look tight enough in there that that may not even be an issue.



Well-Known Member
I use the 5" in my dwc's and 3" in my AF's...... 3" will even work. How deep is your res? Once the roots intertwine with each other you wont have to worry about them tipping over; and you look tight enough in there that that may not even be an issue.

I like that. + reps sir


Active Member
i have 80mm pots in my 8 pot dwc with no ill effects .. in fact they love it

ps thats 3.169063inches for you non metric-system crazies


Well-Known Member
from what i have been told, i had recently biult an aero set up for my next go round, and i went with 3in net pots, i was told all they are to do is anchor your plants down since the roots will have plenty room down below to form, i bulit a spin off of the aero-flo


Well-Known Member
from what i have been told, i had recently biult an aero set up for my next go round, and i went with 3in net pots, i was told all they are to do is anchor your plants down since the roots will have plenty room down below to form, i bulit a spin off of the aero-flo
Great explanation!!!:hump:


Active Member
so you guys think 3" would be fine? the roots would grow more in the pot b4 leaving the pot if i had 4 or 5 inchers no? what would you guys go with? the tub is about 7 inches deep


Well-Known Member
doesnt really matter what size the pots are!! once the roots take off in the rez the pots have done theyr jobs and are useless for the rest of the grow!! so any pot will do!! some times i cut some of the webbing in the bottom of the pot if the roots are big but if they weeve throught the bottom dont bother cutting,,,, ehh im rambling now!! lol anyways have fun kid


Active Member
Ok great thanks bud!! thanks for all the info, really helped, ima go head and order them now!! lol , no but seriously thanks :-)