New 600W HPS tent grow. Super Lemon Haze + Arjan Strawberry Haze.


Well-Known Member
yep that would be a good adea, my sour cream is in that canna terra soil just for a test and its going good

at 14th day


WOW you gonna grow some monster with 600w on top of these two babies !!!! Do you plan on cloning them or you are going all the way with two plants ? sub'ed


Well-Known Member
Subbed! I have a DR80 and upgrading to a 600w this month, I'll be doing a Lemon Kush, OG-Bubba Kush Scrog... What Digital Ballast is that? Where did you buy it? I was looking at buying another Lumatek, but if I can get a 400/600w Dimmable cheaper then $200 that would help me out immensely.


Well-Known Member
Started LST'ing Strawberry Haze last night cause she was stretching quite a bit. Topped her this morning, gonna wait a couple days to top the Lemon Haze.


Well-Known Member
You Ballast is a Lumatek? I've never seen a Silver Lumatek with a switch dimmer instead of a knob.


Well-Known Member
It's got a big Lumatek logo down the side so I assume so lol. Maybe it's a new/old model? I'm not sure, It's working a treat though.


Well-Known Member
Right, quick update for you all. Started training the strawberry haze last week and topped them both.



Here they are now

Day 23

SLH1.jpgSLH top.jpgSLH.jpg

ASH 2.jpgASH.jpgASH1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Had a slight case of nute burn yesterday so I've flushed them today and gonna drop it back down to 1/4 strength nutes for a week or so. Gonna let them grow up for a while now, then I'll post some picture updates.


Well-Known Member
Day 35

Strawberry Haze, LST'd to shit
ASH.jpgASH side.jpg

SLH.jpgSLH side.jpg


One of the fan leaves on the strawberry haze has some yellowing, thinking because I flushed them 3 days ago it might be N deficiency? Any takers?



hi, slightly off topic but how do you find the tent, as i have been looking into getting one, and i am getting mixed reviews some people who i know who have used tents have been saying that due to the confined space of the tent that there is alot of moisture held in the tent, to the point where in one of her grows she got budrot throughout, she had extractor fans and oscilating fans aswell as a carbon filter.
wheras there are reviews on the internat stating that it gives the perfect growing environment? can you clear this up for me please.


Well-Known Member
The only way I could see there being a lot of water is if you overwatered your plants constantly, or were using a DWC in a really hot tent and a lot of the moisture evaporates off but I find my tent is quite the opposite, should be ideal to make the girls sweat as much resin possible during flower. There is really no other indoor alternative that I can think of apart from DIY cupboards. If you really did have a lot of moisture, you could always invest in a dehumidifier. Definitely go for a tent mate.


The only way I could see there being a lot of water is if you overwatered your plants constantly, or were using a DWC in a really hot tent and a lot of the moisture evaporates off but I find my tent is quite the opposite, should be ideal to make the girls sweat as much resin possible during flower. There is really no other indoor alternative that I can think of apart from DIY cupboards. If you really did have a lot of moisture, you could always invest in a dehumidifier. Definitely go for a tent mate.
thanks for the info, not sure what she was doing then, but will have to try it for myself lol.

looking good so far.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I haven't updated for a while guys, just been busy with things and just lost track of things. Friday will be 10 weeks of veg so I'll be sticking the HPS bulb and making the switch. I will post some pics on friday before making the switch, then hopefully new pics every week.


Well-Known Member
During the time I haven't been posting, they have suffered mag deficiency, nitrogen deficiency and from what I gather, some serious ph fluctuation. I can't afford a ph meter at the minute and I guess using as many nutes as I have been, they have suffered a bit. But all seems to have settled now.

Here they are at day 68






Going to be flippin the switch on day 70 and moving into the garage so going to have a heater on alternate timing to the lights as it's fucking freezing atm and will only get colder.

The ASH seems a lot bigger, that's mainly cause she is one stretchy bitch and I have to keep pulling her down. The SLH is so bushy, she's my favourite.

The next update you'll see will probably be week 1 of flowering. Enjoy :D