New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

I like to treat myself to KFC a couple times a year ;)

Ordered three regular batter pieces, small fries and small gravy.

Get to the window, that will be $14.23 please :o

What the hay ? It was a treat so I pay and go my way...

Doesn't feel like That long ago they had a two piece $2 Tuesday special, sigh...

Get home and find three pieces of Boneless chicken, shyt.

Was looking for bone in, nice and moist. And yes, can be a bit greasy but that's okay !

It was edible and a treat not to have to cook but for the price, not..

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Locally our KFC has cheaper prices if you order on-line....Here we can get an 8 pc bucket for $10 if, and only if you order it online and then pick it up. Otherwise, it's $20.
Have you ever made seafood gumbo? Keep all the shells and heads, parts, boil them down for stock.
This is a good one, pretty much the same as the one I learned from a cajun, plus some tomatoes. You can substitute fish and crabs instead of chicken, etc.

:joint: .
Hi, no I have not made seafood gumbo yet. My coworker told me how to make it and all. How to stir the roux and how the colors look. He told me he stirs his roux for 2 hours. I am looking foward to trying it local to see if I like it. Plenty of places make it around here. He gave me some conecuh sausage . I plan on making some jumbalya with it. Cornbread is one of my favorites as well. He told me about the cast iron cornbread pan that would work well. Food is a big deal down here. I’m learning a lot.

Bumped into this website & really hope I'm not getting scammed. Ordered a 20# box so we'll see.

Bumped into this website & really hope I'm not getting scammed. Ordered a 20# box so we'll see.

I want to know if you get it and if you approve.....damn good deal.
Bumped into this website & really hope I'm not getting scammed. Ordered a 20# box so we'll see.

Wait what was your shipping cost?