By looking at your gallery I Toke it looks like you know what your doing... I tried to grow atleast 20 seeds this year and only ended up with 5 growing. Most died because of streching and some just didnt grow. I ended up with 1 female. " The lone survivor " its been growing for almost 11 months now and is only 2 1/2 feet tall and is very premature. I will have to either leave it outside to frost to death in the next couple of weeks or i can dig it out of the ground and put it in a bucket and bring it inside. <- which is sketchy - I will end up with at most 5 grams yield. I threw away my fisher price grow light and I am ready to start 15 plants inside for a couple months and throw them outside when it gets warm. I do live in New England and it is a little more difficult to grow outdoors. If anybody from this area can recomend a seed I should purchase Im allll ears... | Im a detocated Newbie that deosnt know shit about growing. I'd like to have a good yeild of some Killer shit my first time around. Im tired of smoking ragweed. The only good weed around here is commercial bullshit called " Kine Bud " | Failure is not an option for me.... , Ive already learned so much just from being on There are some smart fuckin people on this site that have crazy setups, and brilliant ideas! I find myself browsing marijuana pics... and chilling out in the stoner arcade daily.
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