New Recirculating DWC Hydro Setup with 357 Magnum Grow LEDS


Well-Known Member
all that growth from only 1 magnum and 6 plants in 5 gallon smart pots. So far I'm impressed with the magnums power


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Next run the plants will be all as big as my biggest two plants. They could have all been huge but I messed up something while transplanting the rest of them. Lesson learned lol


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The oddyssey Kush is flowering a lil later than the purple kush. The pk has nugs popping up all over while the oddyssey is just starting to show


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So after battling with mites during veg and into early flower before nugs popped up I've come to terms that using co2 to kill them is the best bet. 15$ for a 20lbs tank swap is cheaper than buying liquid ladybug and no spider mites!


Well-Known Member
Excellent environment control you have there....Your plants are looking great! Keep up the good work!




Well-Known Member
Here's 2 pics I just took. The oddyssey has flowers popping now and the lonely purple kush plant's nugs are growing fast. Check out that nice canopy with fat tall plants. The 357 magnum def doesn't have issues with penetration. I wish I would have just went with 3 gallon smart pots instead of the 5 gallons. I could have fit more plants under 1 magnum then....oh well. Next time I'm doing an aero grow also with the magnums. I really think even just 1 magnum with good climate control and co2 is capable of doing really well. I'm just gonna finish this grow under 1 magnum to show what it can do then I'll use 2 the whole next run. Sorry guys for changing so many things around. The next run will be consistent with back to back grows. Aeroponics and magnums vs recirculating dwc with brain and res and magnums =) I feel just one of these leds has so much potential if the environment and co2 are kept perfect. IMAG0472.jpgIMAG0473.jpg


Well-Known Member
I've learned so much this run that I know the next one will be twice as good at least =)


Well-Known Member
I've learned so much this run that I know the next one will be twice as good at least =)
Thats how it works, you get better with each grow!!! I learn best from the mistakes I make and I have made a lot of them. Just makes you a better grower!




Well-Known Member
What have you learned, share with us, I am very interested in these LED's especially this 357 magnum I understand it only pulls an actual 180 Watts, but you seem to be on the side that its performing well, and flowering your plants well, is that right? Would you say its due to the 11 spectrum, or... Because I understand all this contreversie over the penetrator line with this cameron girl, so now I dont know what to think of all that! Could you give me any insite at all as to whether or not the 357 magnum/penetrator/spectra/Blackstar is best or have you only tested/used the magnum. Im just looking for honest advice and a real opinion of weather or not this magnum can really be compared to an HID?

Sorry about that long ramble, Im just all wound up about LED's, but anyways awesome grow, looks really cool and I think your doing a great job, keep it up, i cant wait to see your findings on this LED!


Well-Known Member
Wow I am not the only one here now...LOL I am wondering if the rH% is higher than running HID lights....I bet they cut expensive electric bills.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I love the magnum. The spectrum control does have benefits if u use it right. My plants got tall fat and bushy under 1 light so far. Yeah so far they flower well. Im impressed with the size of my plants


Well-Known Member
I'm here Rian! My GLH pulls 180, too bad the Mags are even more spendy, I'd love to do a 180 v 180.

So you're gonna crank the CO2 up to like 2-3K ppm to kill the mites? Azamax works pretty well for me if that doesn't do it. Not familiar with liquid ladybug but I can vouch for the Azamax

Oh and you'll definitely be happy you're running the 5 gallons when the big buds start forming. I've flowered the same strain in both 2 gallons and 5 gallons and there's no question they produce more in the 5 gallon. Space be damned!


Well-Known Member
I pump the co2 levels to 10000ppms to kill and suffocate any time of pest. Keep in mind i leave my apt when i do this so i dont die myself lol I leave for almost 2 hrs then come back in holding my breath and open windows turn on fans etc then run back out of the apt lol it takes about 15 mins for the levels to become safe again (1bedroom apt) Using this method actually killed the ants in the apt my sprays werent killing lol.
I'm here Rian! My GLH pulls 180, too bad the Mags are even more spendy, I'd love to do a 180 v 180.

So you're gonna crank the CO2 up to like 2-3K ppm to kill the mites? Azamax works pretty well for me if that doesn't do it. Not familiar with liquid ladybug but I can vouch for the Azamax

Oh and you'll definitely be happy you're running the 5 gallons when the big buds start forming. I've flowered the same strain in both 2 gallons and 5 gallons and there's no question they produce more in the 5 gallon. Space be damned!