New Spoof Idea? Ever done this?


Well-Known Member
haha ok, so i'm really f*ckin high right now and I was thinking about this thing I made the other day that I'm actually using right now...

I took an empty toilet paper roll, took 2 dryer sheets folded in half to make 4x thickness. cut a square and duct taped it around the end to seal it. I then took activated carbon and filled the tp roll to about 1/3. I took another dryer sheet and lightly crumpled it and placed it on top of the carbon, being careful not to pack it down.

So there you have it. A spoof that actually deodorizes the smoke instead if just trying to mask it. I change the carbon after every couple bowls since it's not that much...

I use it when i'm home when no ones around so I don't have to go outside. It's getting pretty damn cold!!! the highs only in the 40's and dropping...

hope this got someones noodle cookin lol!!


Well-Known Member
Spoofin where I come from en voles a bag off tweek and a piece of foil.or a good idea tho for a person who cant have smell


oh yeah man. I've done that, i didn't go to the extent that you did by putting carbon in there. i just used a paper towel roll and packed a few dryer sheets in there and it masked it wonderfully. worked well enough that i could smoke with it at school in a bathroom or locker room


Well-Known Member
Spoofin where I come from en voles a bag off tweek and a piece of foil.or a good idea tho for a person who cant have smell
haha, never tried that stuff before. thank god lol.

oh yeah man. I've done that, i didn't go to the extent that you did by putting carbon in there. i just used a paper towel roll and packed a few dryer sheets in there and it masked it wonderfully. worked well enough that i could smoke with it at school in a bathroom or locker room
haha, i've done that plenty of times too but usually ended up caught anyway so i just stopped using them altogether. wish i wouldve knew about the carbon back then!