new to growing


Active Member
okay so this is going to be my second grow... the first one was a failure from bag seeds i grew them all wrong... i put the lights way too far and they got all lanky and stringy and couldn't get them to do much else besides grow higher... so i killed those babies and am starting over...

the setup:

i have a 5 plant bubbleponics system with rockwool cubes and hydroton grow medium with 3" net pots... its in a 5 gallon resivior and i have florogro, floromicro, and florobloom nutes... i have a grow space of 2' x 3' x 4' space in my closet designated for growing... i have a 18" double layer flourescent light fixture that has (2) full spectrum tube lights in it and i also have 2 42w CFL's with 10" domes on them that are placed 3" away from the top of the hydro system.

the temp of the room never goes above 78 F and never falls below 75 F i have a fan going on 24 hours a day 7 days a week on a low speed right next to the hydro system. i have a thermometer in the hydro water and it is maintained at about 78 along with the space maintained at 78. the humidity level in the space is approx. 45% during light on and 43% when light is off...
i also have a ph test kit that i test the ph of the water before i add the chemicals and after i add the chemicals i keep the ph at about 6.5

the plan:

i am going to germ 5 seeds at a time (i bought 15 seeds of Skunk #1 and 15 seeds of Shiva Shanti II from Sensi Seeds)

i'm going to start with the skunk seeds and hopefully all will germ and if not i will germ more until i have all 5 spots on my hydro occupied

any information or questions or concerns for me will be greatly appreciated... hopefully real real soon i will have the digital camera up and running to take the pictures to update for you... wish me luck



Well-Known Member
sounds like you have a nice setup there. might be a height issue later on due to your height only being 4'. well you are not growing with an hps so it might not be an issue. well just wait and see. sensi has but kicking seeds. you did not go wrong there. whats your nutes? I have heard wonderful things about shiva. they say it is a good smoke. you have a really good plan and we will help you see it through to the end. do not take it hard on yourself for not being able to grow the bagseed. sometimes they just don't want to work. trust me we all go through it. best of luck and keep us informed PEACE!


Active Member
allmeatnopotato i saw that you used a carbon scrubber for your grow room in your journal... i've never heard of that before what exactly is it and what does it do and how do you do it... i saw the plans to make it but how does it work? thanks



Well-Known Member
there is a fan attached to the end that either pushes or pulls air through the filter. as the air travels through the filter, it passes over the activated charcoal in it. the charcoal acts like a filter and traps air contaminates eliminating them from the air. it is not hard to make with alittle patience and materials. you may not need one that big, but they are reccommended. if you do a search on yahoo for DIY carbon scrubbers, you will find different ways to make them from $30 - $100 USD. hope this helps. PEACE


Well-Known Member
any information or questions or concerns for me will be greatly appreciated... hopefully real real soon i will have the digital camera up and running to take the pictures to update for you... wish me luck
Your grow-room height isn't high enough and your lights aren't putting out enough lumens, come flowering time you're going to be in trouble.

Nice hydro system though, that'll make them grow quicker, and taller! Oh and good luck!


Active Member
okay babygro... this i know... what i meant to say is that the space i have right now is only 4 feet high... my hydro's are on a shelf which i can remove making the space about 6-7ft.. so the heighth is a non issue... about the lights i know this too but i do not want to get an hps or mh light system for another year until i move out of this place... so i'm gonna have to just get more CFL's thats the best i can do until i leave... any suggestions?


Active Member
today i started the germination ... 5 skunk #1 seeds hopefully they all sprout... if not i got plenty more where that came from


Active Member
just a little update... i checked the seeds ... 15 hours... none sprouted yet.. i can see that 4 of them are starting to split a little though so maybe another 12 hours or so... k i'll update you soon



Well-Known Member
Ok so here I go again I think you may want to check on water temperature. Just to be sure I wasn't hallucinating I went and checked again. And sure enough there it is on page 167 Of Indoor Marijuana Horticulture By some guy named Jorge. Reservoir Temperature
The temperature of the nutrient solution shopuld stay somewhere in the 60-75 Range.
Super Size Secret:
Nutrient solution with a 60-65-degree temperature holds much more oxygen than 75-degree solution.... etc. etc.
Of course if you haven't planted anything in the hydro system than this isn't a problem.


Active Member
yea it holds more oxygen at lower temp but i read somewhere that roots take off in a nutrient solution temp of similar to the air with less shock than that of a temp of lower degrees follow me? but thanks for looking =]



Well-Known Member
Well I did try. Please remember that without the oxygen it doesn't matter how much nutrient solution you have. The roots need the oxygen to use those nutrients.


Active Member
thanks im gonna keep the water/nutrient solution at about 70 degrees... that way they get the temp and the oxygen sound good?

P.S. all 5 seeds germed and i put them in the rockwool cubes inside the netpots with the hydroton they are under 18/6 light and i'll update you once they come out of the top of the rockwool cubes... thanks so much for everyones help...




Active Member
yes i forgot to mention that to you guys... in my water i have 2 airstones and they're on 24/7 so i think i get plenty of air to the roots i have some picture of the setup and stuff so i'll try to post them


Active Member
so thats the setup... i'll try and get some pics of the sproutings as soon as they come up... they are broken open in the rockwool cubes i just couldn't get a picture ... so day 1 when they open i'll have pics... thanks for stopping by and let me know about anything i should do thanks guys and girls

