New to the site.. Need growing tips!!

I recently have started a new project. I have a 8x9 spare bedroom. I could only afford 1 400 watt hps for right now. I have 9 pinapple express growing under it right now. They are about 21 to 24 inches tall. I'm scared to put them outside because they look so good. They are in 3 gallon buckets with fox farm soil. Would I get a bigger yield with only 3 plants and put the rest ouside? Or should I wait and save up for another 400 watt then put them into flower? There about a month old. Also have a ? About what nutes to use n how to use them. Need suggestions!!!


Well-Known Member
600 watt is going to be the most light for wattage so save for a 600, 9 under a 400 is alot but if you have enough air movement you can probably get away with it, though yes the crop will be less than with proper lighting, id say keep four under the light so that each gets a fourth of the light and rotate daily. that way your wasting as little light as possible, if your looking for easy peasy nutes use fox farms, the liquid three pack not the salts, its super easy to mix and you get good results,


Well-Known Member
flip you light to 12 hours and give them some fox farm ferts. use their schedule on their site for feeding
Thanx for the replies. So I think I'm going to keep one for a mother and put 4 out and keep 4 inside. Thanx for the info guys. I'm goin tomorow to get the fox farm nutes. Should I put the ones outside in bags or put eem in the ground?