Nitrogen deficiency?

Aloha guys,
i'm like 2 weeks before harvesting according to breeders info and my two plants Red dwarf and Deimos have started to show yellow leaves at the bottom and slowly dying..
Is this normal or should i do something?
Also temperature some days goes up to 89f and will get hotter, can this be a issue?
First two is R.D. and the others Deimos.


Normal. Cant really tell from those pics, but those girls dont look quite two weeks away. They do however look really nice and healthy. If your just going off the 55 days or whatever the breeder said, id suggest taking a look at the whole picture and making sure its done. Either way, in the last few weeks of flowering most strains yellow up quite a bit depending on your gardening.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
not meaning to Diss Adizz's advice. But you are only two weeksa into flowering. If you are already showing this much yellowing of the leafs it is going to get freaky bad before the end. You need to give us way more info. Like what kind of nutrients. How much you give to how much water. what the PH is. are you useing a PH pen or a guess-o-matic drop ph kit. soil all this stuff.
Ok i haven't feed them yet any nutrients cause the I'm using this soil improverP1000447.JPG
only mixed with perlite.
I got one organic 7+3+4 and some goat manure i can use..
I water them every 1-2 days with 2lt. distilled water (ph6.5) but for 10 days i was using tap water which was at 8.5+ph when i measured it so i stop that and back to distilled.
I don't got a ph pen meter for the soil and for the water i use drops.
Today they are at day 47.
They look to grow kinda fast so this is why I'm hoping that they will be ready end of June.
Here are some more pics if they can help you..
Thanks for all the help guys.


Well-Known Member
is it day 47 from seed or from when they showed sex? I guess they are autos if they have been flowering in the spring

they do look great, but nowhere near harvest, at least a month to go it seems to me.


Active Member
i dunno about a full month but 3 weeks maby .... I'd give em a shot of something heavy on the nitrogen but only once ... dont want all the buildup when you do harvest - makes curing take longer .....
just gave them a light dose of 7-3-4+3Mg. we'll see how that goes.
It's 47 days since the sprouted seed was planted.
So no 60 days scenario on those 2..

it's my 1st attempt so hopefully i will smoke something at the end.. they smell so heavenly!!

anyways thanks all of you guys for the help, really appreciated.

and another 1.


Well-Known Member
well the last pic seems closer... you have some variance there, on some i can actually see amber trichs (nice shots btw!! nothing like sunlight), but on the big ones all the hairs are still white. i'm actually in the same situation, also a so-called 45-55 (hindu kush by sensi), i'm day 60 and nowhere in sight yet, on the big buds most of the hairs are still white. i'm hoping to smoke for the end of the month but who knows :\ it was clear to me after three weeks of flowering that they wouldn't finish by 6-8 for sure. i don't know maybe it's about the grower too, but from what I've understood, it's very rare to find a true 45-55.