Noob Question in difference of highs

So I've been smoking for about 6 years now off and on, and never once was I asked my preference as to Sativa or Indica, and/or hybrid. I've always generally been happy with whatever I've received that gave me a nice buzz with a good taste, which generally leaves out mexican brick or shwag, but I'll take whatever is available if that's all I can get. However, when I was recently asked this and tried to do a search for the differences in high, I became very confused, as indica is generally regarded to give you couchlock and overall relaxing feeling. I have an assumption that that's all I've ever smoked because I have generally never found much of a difference in a type of high I get only that in the degree and peak of the high, however I wouldn't be able to know specifically since this topic was never really brought up in the past, because I've never gone through a clinic or someone that does.

In lament's terms can someone explain to me the difference between each? What exactly is a cerebral high as is often remarked explaining Sativa? Does Sativa not give a good buzz that also allows you to relax? I have also noticed that during this research most have noted with modern hybridization that there's a hard time defining a difference in taste or smell. What exactly makes one better than the other, aside from personal preference, when it comes to specific transient circumstances. If you could provide me some examples of difference in how you feel after sampling the substance of the high in a relative short period I would appreciate it. As all the herb I've ever smoked has given me both a couchlock feeling, as well as a cerebral sense of peace and awareness at the same time, again differing only in degrees, so this is why I am having a hard time trying to conjure a difference in feeling after reading the standard descriptions.

Thank you in advance.


Active Member
u got sativa which is a head high ( light headed goofy acting) indica is a body high( sit on ur ass and watch cartoons) lol hope this helps
You see thats what I don't understand, at least in comparison to what I've smoked. Because I've always had a little bit of both, only differing on which reaction (the feeling of the high) was more overpowering by marginal degrees. My position is, maybe I have never really have smoked Sativa, but I can not thoroughly conclude based just on the physiological reaction that is often stipulated when defining either, because I have felt both definitions (in varying degrees) in almost everything I've smoked to this point.