Now that you have a MMJ recommendation?


Well-Known Member
Not only did we tell them, we showed my dad and mom our garden. His words where " I never thought I would be looking at marijuana plants".

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
My family new I smoked for years, It's just that I quit for 10+ years or so.
Now that I have daily Vascular Migraines, MMJ helps allot along with vicodin.


Well-Known Member
I am a recovering alchoholic (9 yrs) and I quit smoking for 3 years. I had no promblem showing my parents How talented I am in the garden and the long list of gardens I have physically put back on track. I am very proud to be an American Medical Grower/User.


New Member
My dad taught me everything I needed to know. We used to compare all the time. Emailed me last week wondering if I could set up a stealth grow for him AT THE NURSING HOME! Lol. I love that man.


Well-Known Member
thats great pot head for life stealth garden in a nursing home in realitly prob not a good idea but love his thought if it was my old man i just bring him enough weed to keep him happy
some of my family knows i smoke / grow other half things its a horrible thing needless to say they have no idea too brainwashed by the gov not telling them its a shame to one day we will all have acceptence i long await legalization


Well-Known Member
My buddy is 62 left side stroke. I get him high once a week and let him relax and watch a movie.
thats whats up dude! charity, selfless act of good will, and gettin someones dad stoned enough to watch finding nemo. lol i just had a vision of mysel toking with some older guy who really needs it, geeking and munching out with him and watching kids movies


Well-Known Member
thats whats up dude! charity, selfless act of good will, and gettin someones dad stoned enough to watch finding nemo. lol i just had a vision of mysel toking with some older guy who really needs it, geeking and munching out with him and watching kids movies
We like the flintstones and Ice cream bars. Lol. He is so funny when I get him high. He way digs it. :mrgreen:

LOL finding Nemo...


Active Member
I would but my parents have been to brainwashed by the mom would always tell me if i smoked pot i would die because of my asthma LMAO..............she is way in to religion also it just wouldnt be a good maybe one day but for now i will keep it to sister on the other hand is cool with it.


Well-Known Member
I can remember the convo with my mother when I told her I get high. I explained that I'd been doing it for years and pointed out some memorable moments from our past where I was stoned and she would be sure to remember the times I was talking about to show her it's not the demon weed they say it is. It's still illegal where we were at the time, if you're a legal MMJ patient wtf are they going to say? Explain why you use it, it's as simple as that. What are they going to disown you? Seriously if you have to worry about that you've got bigger problems than them knowing you smoke weed.


I told my mom and she's fine with it as long as it helps (I've been suffering from chronic migraines for years and have been quite dibilitated by them). I haven't told my dad but he's really anti prescription drugs so I have told him that I've found a 'natural alternative' that's really been helping. So far he doesn't know what it is but he's thrilled I'm trying get off my meds.

I figure I'll keep talking it up (oh - it's an herb; my regular dr. wouldn't give it to me so I had to go to a naturopath; yadda yadda yadda) and once he's completely on board I'll tell him it's pot. And hope he doesn't have a heart attack.