Now Wait A Cotton Picking Minute


Well-Known Member
Lets all take a minute to preserve old sayings.
What are some of your favorite old sayings?


Well-Known Member
because i said so, that's why.
jiminiy crickets
whats that by cracky?
well roll me in the mud and call me a pig



Well-Known Member
this guys full of quotes[video=youtube;rqtr_RvR3sY][/video]

some one else posted it but it made me laugh. and he dose have some sayings

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Get ready for some old western sayings:

  1. There ain't nuthin' more self-righteous than a reformed whore
  2. Rode hard and put away wet
  3. Hell bent for leather
  4. I'm outta here like a pack of turtles in a hail of hen shit
  5. Who shit in your white hat?
  6. You can't piss down my back and call it sweat
  7. There are three sides to every story. My side, your side and the truth.
I'm too tired to think of anything else. I'll add to it later. :p


Well-Known Member
Mind your P's and Q's
Would some old head like me plz tell me once and for all what do the letters stand for


Well-Known Member
mind your peas (coat) and queues (wigs)
some say it also also means mind your pints and quarts... and some more even say it has to do with typesetting presses... lol.