Now Wait A Cotton Picking Minute

norml dave

Active Member
"sweatin like a fat lass at a disco"

"two days older than grass"

"if i wanted to hear an arsehole i would have farted"

"she got a fanny like a bear trappers hat"

theres a few more that'll come to me when i'm not smashed


Well-Known Member
Sitting in the cat bird seat.
You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar


Well-Known Member
I'll knock your dick in the dirt,
Their will be two hits, me hitting you and you hitting the floor.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
"I'll knock you into the middle of next week." OR "You know what this means? ::shaking fist at me:: It means HOSPITAL."


Well-Known Member
want in one hand and shit in the other......
oh wait, the mother of all lost sayings..........Just say no! give it up for betty ford!
Err was that nancy that came up with that ? oh well same difference.