Nutes stored in HEAT?


Well-Known Member
I have kept my GH nutes in the shed since the last grow with temps in the shed reaching 110*F.
Should I throw out all the nutes and replace with fresh, or should they be OK?


Well-Known Member
Have they precipitated ( turned cloudy?), if not they could be ok. As long as they are synthetic nutes they should last awhile, any organics in it and I'd toss it. If it's just the 3 part..I'd replace it..if it's a whole lineup of stuff..IDK..I'd try running it.


Well-Known Member
It's the GH Flora Trio, not precipitated but there's not a TON going to waste, I think I will play it safe and replace them, AND, keep them in cooler storage.
Thanks guys !

PS... I do have a lot of PH up AND PH down and assume they would be OK???