Nutrient advice


Cool forum

I got a plant that had been growing outside and it was basically ripped out of the ground and placed in a pot. This is my first grow and I'm not really sure if I should be adding nutrients to the soil or how much to water. The plant seems to be doing well and I hate to fix something that's not broken but I would like to give it the best care that I can. I also found a little neon green bug on one of the leafs that kinda looked like a roach. Anyone know what it might have been and if they're dangerous to the plant? Any tips on staying bug free?





Well-Known Member
The yellowing is only cause by lack of light to the bottom of your plant, other then that she looks really good
LED light? if so, it wont reach that far down, cut off some of the lower branches a bit at a time til you flower, you'll transfer all the energy up to the top nugs.
Also, if its absolutely dire to save it, get it a light b1 formula to help reduce shock.