Hi, I'm going to do my first Northern Lights grow.
I'm using a tent, 600w aircooled hps, carbon can filter, exhaust fan is on a cooling t-stat. (Variable)
The soils I know I have access to are pro mix hp, FFOF, maybe FFHF.
The shop here might have more choices than that. The owner is relatively new and pretends to know more than he does.
I ordered humboldt natural grow and bloom nutes.
I do have budswell bat guano to use if needed.
I have cal mag on hand too
I can get dolomite lime.
I have super thrive.
I really want to keep it simple. I'm not afraid to add elements that are neccissary, but don't don't want to complicate it either.
Do I need to add any myco nutes to what I have listed.
I guess I just need a recipe for a decent soil build.
I have read through some of this huge thread and am getting a bit overwhelmed with options.
(P.s. I'm not new to growing, but it's been a few years and I'm rusty)
Sorry for the late reply.
The Promix HP is high porosity and dries out probably faster than necessary.
If you want to keep it simple ? And youre using chemical grow ?
This what we do, but also remember fert recommendations are just that. Recommendations. Watch youre plants and learn their reactions, or non reaction.
To keep it as simple as possible seek out some Promix BX, you need to add NOTHING to the soil if you do what we do.
Then look into some
Sun Bulb x Better Grow Orchid Fertilizer. These people have been in business since the 50s, are also endorsed by the American Orchid Society, and they only use the highest quality chemicals. And that means NO UREA NITROGEN.
They have both Veg/Flowering formulas, and are available online, and are cheap IMHO.
They are also 100% Complete Formulas, and this means this products also contain Magnesium. Which is the #1 deficiency for container grown plants, and MJ uses a lot of Magnesium. nd again the Mag is from a very Bioavailable source. They do not short change you on the quality, and source of the chemicals.
For seedlings we mix the formulas together at a rate of.
1 tsp Veg x 1 tsp Flower x 5 gallons water Feed each watering.
As they get out of seedling stage 2 tsp veg x 1 tsp flower x 5 gallons water.
Flowering is 2 tsp flower x 1 tsp Veg. x 5 gallons water.
Sun Bulb Company Inc