Obama hints at marijuana legalization?


Well-Known Member
i just wanted to see how many hits this thread is going to get. :joint:
he hasn't hinted at it. He has said openly he will end Federal raids on medical marijuana facilities. This doesn't amount to legilization, but sadly that will never happen. Marijuana will be considered a medicine before a recreational drug and it will be controlled by the government one way or another.


Well-Known Member
haha i for one. about to totally rip on you but...

but hey i bet he'd be for it, just nothing he could really do to get it done, too many roadblocks. anybody read his 2 books? i really liked the 2nd one never got to the first 'something of our fathers?' anyways he's admitted to doing coke right? and he's smart as shit, i'm praying he's a good as talks


New Member
There is a video on YouTube where he speaks of decriminalizing it .. NOT the same thing as legalizing. Just search 'obama marijuana' or somethin and you'll find it.


Well-Known Member
didn't know that ineedbuds, that sounds amazing! what a waste of tax dollars those raids are...


Well-Known Member
haha i for one. about to totally rip on you but...

but hey i bet he'd be for it, just nothing he could really do to get it done, too many roadblocks. anybody read his 2 books? i really liked the 2nd one never got to the first 'something of our fathers?' anyways he's admitted to doing coke right? and he's smart as shit, i'm praying he's a good as talks
he could end federal raids with the flick of his wrist...well a signature. Remember, congress never wanted federal raids in the first place, that was all Bush. And I believe very adamantly that will be one of the first actions taken in the Obama Presidency.


Well-Known Member
i think the only way to stop this lunacy is for every one to turn themselves in and plead NOT GUILTY and defend themselves so that no lawyers get rich and it clogs the system or I don't ever see it happening, cause if it was legal then a huge amount of cops, judges, lawyers, prison guards, etc, etc are out of work not to mention the stupid private prisons, and drug companies would be gone, and that would be such a good thing that they are never gonna just let it happen.


Well-Known Member
i think the only way to stop this lunacy is for every one to turn themselves in and plead NOT GUILTY and defend themselves so that no lawyers get rich and it clogs the system or I don't ever see it happening, cause if it was legal then a huge amount of cops, judges, lawyers, prison guards, etc, etc are out of work not to mention the stupid private prisons, and drug companies would be gone, and that would be such a good thing that they are never gonna just let it happen.
that's actually a genius idea if it could ever be organized.


Well-Known Member
i think the only way to stop this lunacy is for every one to turn themselves in and plead NOT GUILTY and defend themselves so that no lawyers get rich and it clogs the system or I don't ever see it happening, cause if it was legal then a huge amount of cops, judges, lawyers, prison guards, etc, etc are out of work not to mention the stupid private prisons, and drug companies would be gone, and that would be such a good thing that they are never gonna just let it happen.
I agree... but also believe there is another alternative but very similar approach that can still be just as effective...


Well-Known Member
anyone remember thinking all was going to be well when we saw old bill playing the sax, but then he turned out to be the worst for arresting marijuana users even worse then the RAYGUN with that empty headed wife of his and her "just say no" lunacy