Obama on the Ball


New Member
Egypt claims jihadists fired US Hellfire missile at government office

Jihadists in Egypt's lawless Sinai Peninsula are using U.S. weapons to carry out attacks against the temporary government in the wake of the military's ouster of President Mohammed Morsi, according to the embattled nation's Interior Ministry.

The government office posted an official statement on its Facebook page along with images of an exploded missile that hit the third floor of a building in the city of el-Arish last week. The post said terrorist forces targeted the North Sinai Security Directorate office with a ballistic missile that struck the third floor facade of the building, leaving three soldiers injured. While attacks in the Sinai, which borders Gaza and is a haven for terrorist activity, have become commonplace, the prospect that militants have U.S. weapons typically fired from helicopters at their disposal is especially alarming.

Three photos of the missile posted by the government agency shows that it appears to be an AGM-114F with a label written in English and the letters “U.S.” stenciled on the side.

“If, and that is a big if, it was a AGM-114, as in the report, that's not a ballistic missile, which conjures Cold War images of something massive and long range, but a Hellfire, which is of the type carried on helicopters,” Peter Singer, of the Brookings Institute’s Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence, told FoxNews.com.

Egyptian security forces apprehended three suspects at the scene, including one Palestinian citizen.

A request for comment to the U.S. Department of Defense was not immediately returned.

Reports of U.S.-made weapons turning up in the Sinai date back to at least January, when six U.S.-made missiles were found in a cache of weapons bound for Gaza. And in February, FoxNews.com reported exclusively that weapons left over from the revolution in Libya were being sold at clandestine auctions is the Sinai Peninsula. The U.S. has repeatedly denied arming the Libyan rebels, though it did assist them in other ways with the overthrow of longtime Libyan strongman Muammar Qaddafi.

Egypt's military has been trying to rout terror cells across the Sinai Peninsula for several weeks. A recent attack on a military outpost left six Egyptian soldiers dead. Some 17 security force members and five civilians have been killed in the region since Morsi’s ouster on July 3. Egyptian intelligence estimates that there are at least 500 armed extremists operating on the Sinai Peninsula. As many as 30 attacks have been carried out against security forces in the region in the past two months.

The Muslim Brotherhood has denied playing any role in the escalation of violence.

While most reports focused on the unrest in Cairo leading up to Morsi being removed from office, the Sinai Peninsula has seen a large amount of civil unrest. Dozens have been killed in the past month during skirmishes between the military and guerrilla fighters.
So is the separation of MB and the Egyptian military just like the separation between the Taliban/haqqani, AQ and Aghan National Army; very clear and concise? didn't think so...

Now where did terrorists get a hold of hellfire missiles? Mmmmm, this is what happens when you allow hardline jihadists to join egypt’s military & Police academies


Well-Known Member
are you still trying to tell us that the egyptian military, who ousted muslim brotherhood president morsi, are secretly still muslim brotherhood?


keep failing, bigot.


New Member
Bucks favorite presidents ronald and obama are both corporate tools pictures of both at the Bohemian Grove. Capitalist facist meet their every year so they can get thier story straight. I hate you.


New Member
he was the muslim brotherhood's candidate.

and you are unbelievably stupid.
...muslim brotherhood president morsi...
Morsi isn't the president of the muslim brotherhood :dunce::dunce: we've been over this before Bessie...

But who in their right mind would send a country in political & social turmoil more weapons systems? Obama... Yes he Can.... support and arm terrorists...

Never mind the coup: U.S. military aid will continue to flow to Egypt

After the Egyptian military deposed former President Mohamed Morsi from power, the conversation in the U.S. quickly turned to this question: would military aid be cut off to the Egyptian armed forces, as the law stipulates must be done after a coup? The short answer is no. Too much is at stake for U.S. elite interests--namely Israel, the Suez Canal and influence in the Middle East--for that to happen.


Well-Known Member
no matter how many times you try to distract away from your failure, your failure remains.

morsi was the candidate from the muslim brotherhood.

the egyptian military, which is not the same as the muslim brotherhood, ousted the muslim brotherhood president from power.

you are an unremitting failure, and unbelievably stupid.


Well-Known Member
Morsi isn't the president of the muslim brotherhood
did i say he was?

i said he was the muslim brotherhood's candidate.

the muslim brotherhood's candidate became the president of egypt.

that makes him the muslim brotherhood president, not the muslim brotherhood's president.

note the importance of the apostrophe and the 's' at the end there, you unremitting failure.

go get some help for your PTSD and rectal prolapses with your government cheese checks, rat.


Well-Known Member
Then why did you claim he was the president of the muslim brotherhood? or did you forget old man?
when did i say he was the muslim brotherhood's president?

i said he was the muslim brotherhood president, as in, he was the muslim brotherhood's candidate for presidency, who won the presidency.

he was then ousted by the egyptian military, which is totally the same as the muslim brotherhood. i mean, it just makes sense that the muslim brotherhood would infiltrate the egyptian military over the course of decades only to oust their own from the presidency, right?


you are a miserable, unremitting failure.


Well-Known Member
let's keep this focused on how the muslim brotherhood infiltrated the egyptian military over the course of decades until they were no longer two different entities, and then, right after they get their own muslim brotherhood candidate elected to the presidency, they ousted him!


all your irrelevant pictures, attempts at changing the subject, and basic grammatical misunderstandings won't mitigate that massive failure from you.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I once knew this troll war between Zophar and Pachuka. You're not at that level. Guess who won?



Well-Known Member
Only a retard like you would claim Morsi is the "muslim brotherhood president"... :dunce: try again bigoted race hustler
What? Was not Morsi the MB candidate? Did not the MB pack the legislature. And did not the MB terrorize and otherwise cower district voters through that.

So, not the Pres of the MB, was he not the MB President of Egypt and will he not be hanged? See, our response is no response. The Holy middle ground of Self, if anything is Holy. We are the shot callers. And the MB did the Coup.

Simple. If I screwed up the meaning, what else is new? :)


Well-Known Member
Bucks favorite presidents ronald and obama are both corporate tools pictures of both at the Bohemian Grove.

^^^ Truth ^^^^
The Cremation of Care is a ritual performance undertaken at the yearly Bohemian Grove club, where a mock child sacrifice is made to an approximate 40ft stone owl. The ritual involves club members, often high ranking businessmen and politicians.

Proclaimed Christians practicing an Ancient Pagan Ritual.


New Member
Beware sir they will not care about their satanic government ... They will belittle your family , your iq, etc... Better not go against the grain here or suffer the slings and arrows of these folks. Im seriously thinking of calling the crisis hotline.


Well-Known Member
Beware sir they will not care about their satanic government ... They will belittle your family , your iq, etc... Better not go against the grain here or suffer the slings and arrows of these folks. Im seriously thinking of calling the crisis hotline.
Well, grow a thicker skin. What we do NOT know is anything about you except what you say and why would we believe that?


Well-Known Member
Bucks favorite presidents ronald and obama are both corporate tools pictures of both at the Bohemian Grove.

^^^ Truth ^^^^
The Cremation of Care is a ritual performance undertaken at the yearly Bohemian Grove club, where a mock child sacrifice is made to an approximate 40ft stone owl. The ritual involves club members, often high ranking businessmen and politicians.

Proclaimed Christians practicing an Ancient Pagan Ritual.
Hey that is meaningless. And call me Forest Gump if you want to but I have been an associate (Upright bass) of the Club.

They go to the grove to act like college kids. They goof on all ritual, being Bohemians, and they certainly are not staunch Christians. It is high sarcasm, you don't get.

No different from Burning Man in concept and that is a fact. And it is no more stupid that Burning Man.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Beware sir they will not care about their satanic government ... They will belittle your family , your iq, etc... Better not go against the grain here or suffer the slings and arrows of these folks. Im seriously thinking of calling the crisis hotline.
Satan doesn't exist. This Satan doesn't exist either, it's just ghost stories the Catholic church made up to keep people from having frat toga parties.



Well-Known Member
did i say he was?

i said he was the muslim brotherhood's candidate.

the muslim brotherhood's candidate became the president of egypt.

that makes him the muslim brotherhood president, not the muslim brotherhood's president.

note the importance of the apostrophe and the 's' at the end there, you incessant failure.

go get some help for your PTSD and rectal prolapses with your government cheese checks, rat.
I changed it up for you, kicks it up a few notches and adds a bit of variety into a somewhat limited vocabulary. You can thank me the next time you take the Reader's Digest Word power quiz.