Obama wants mandatory voting...

Ameria, sinse Obama is at a low. 47 percent of the nation gets government support, unemployment is all time high still I thnk the stock market is whack and the national debt is more than well, a lot. The dollar isn't worth anything in reality, it's us, the consumers that allow it to be a commodity for purchasing. The gold standard is gone obv, so go to a gold/ silver ratio and make the dollar worth somethg, at least w now know that we are not alone...ll
Ameria, sinse Obama is at a low. 47 percent of the nation gets government support, unemployment is all time high still I thnk the stock market is whack and the national debt is more than well, a lot. The dollar isn't worth anything in reality, it's us, the consumers that allow it to be a commodity for purchasing. The gold standard is gone obv, so go to a gold/ silver ratio and make the dollar worth somethg, at least w now know that we are not alone...ll
Yet the dollar is strengthening world wide again
The debt is less than you buying a house
I just pulled profit from the stock market again which is simply a betting racquet.
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Yet the dollar is strengthening world wide again
The debt is less than you buying a house
I just pulled profit from the stock market again which is simply a betting racquet[/QUOTE
Doesn't make sense. What's the backing, YA know.?
I don't need to buy a house
The stock market is viotile. Can still make a lot of money tho. Just saying.lll. Stats are just stats.lll. And they are terrible. The debt is less than buying a house, it's in the trillions, so how do you mean?
Ameria, sinse Obama is at a low.

only if we go by your apparent educational achievement.

47 percent of the nation gets government support

trying to call grandma and grandpa deadbeats for collecting the social security check they worked their whole lives to earn, dummy?

unemployment is all time high

beyond retarded. apparently not intended to be a factual statement.

still I thnk the stock market is whack

nice opinion.

i think the 50% of americans who are invested in the stock market disagree with you.

and the national debt is more than well, a lot.

blame the GOP.

obama has only lowered the deficit, and drastically.

The dollar isn't worth anything in reality,

then give them to me. i'll find use for them.

The gold standard is gone obv, so go to a gold/ silver ratio and make the dollar worth somethg,

rawn pawl lost and obama had nothing to do with going off the gold standard.
only if we go by your apparent educational achievement.

trying to call grandma and grandpa deadbeats for collecting the social security check they worked their whole lives to earn, dummy?

beyond retarded. apparently not intended to be a factual statement.

nice opinion.

i think the 50% of americans who are invested in the stock market disagree with you.

blame the GOP.

obama has only lowered the deficit, and drastically.

then give them to me, idiot. i'll find use for them.

rawn pawl lost and obama had nothing to do with going off the gold standard, retard.
Ok mr know it all, where do you prove that information to be incorrect? Just read in entrenpeneurentrenpeneur
The stock market is viotile

your spelling is atrociously retarded.

the stock market is a safe bet. gold and silver are what is "viotile".



I just pulled profit from gold i bought when it was $250 a ounce.
Bought 300 ounces at that price... :)

so let me see if i have this right, since you make such wildly conflicting and retarded claims: you claim to have enough money to buy $75,000 worth of gold all at once, but also so little money that you have to put your medical debt on a payment plan?


are you also a french model too, dumbass?

Dummy, I'll never see a penny of the hundreds of thousands I put into ss and don't have family. The stock market is just fine, ok.... Been down all week.....

To say idiot is strong. You must know it all.
Lowered the deficit? What?????! It's 3 times as to when he took office
If 50 percent disagree then how is it down?
I have mba and esq. is that enough education for YA
No way? America off the god standard for like 4 decades...... To say retarted is rude especially to those with disabilities. Do you know any? Nope. I do and they are great people, so don't go there fella.

The dollar, ok what is it worth? It costs more to make a penny than a cent. It's still use as stated, however there is no backing and I was thinkin out side the box.
I'll keep mine. And I have plenty. Good thing I am not you! Please do not make fun of those less privileged.

Lets see i bought the gold in 2001 and i was wrong i paid $276 a ounce....me bad.
And when did i put the medical bill on the payment plan idiot.(2011/12)
Called a loan dumbass, Which has long been paid for.
And yes why sell my gold to pay for legal theft by the hospital.
Made payments and they where fine with it.
Mr i sell treadmill and avois paying taxes on my pot i grow and send to people on this site.
Just like your douchebag self likes to claim that colorado is your state and you have the bestest bud on the planet.
Look in the mirror and you will see the defintion for retarded loser wanker fuck.

so the bank gave you a $75,000 loan to buy gold when you can't even afford to buy health insurance?
