Occassional oroblem with heavy continued smoking.


Well-Known Member
This has happened to me a few times. It was quite strange and honestly quite scary the first time.

After prolonged heavy, heavy use (I would say 3 medium sized bowls every hour or so for 4 days straight) my fingers and hands would lose sensitivity, my fine motor skills were shot and judging applied pressure is impossible.

Examples : Picking a pen up off a counter would be an insanely difficult task. While working at my job (Retail Sales) if I had to count money, separating bills, getting change out of the cash drawer would be a very challenging task. Even day to day tasks like text messaging on my cell phone or typing on a keyboard or even getting a card out of my wallet proved to be almost insurmountable.

Gradually, with detox, feeling would return, sensitivity increased and things returned to normal usually after a week to week and a half.

Has this sort of thing ever happened to any of you guys?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
damn, ive admitted effects from heavy weed smoking on a constant basis, I get the shivers...thats about all that weed has done to me...but ive never experienced anything like that from smoking


Well-Known Member
So... 1.5 oz in 4 days?

You must be smoking terrible weed to need/tolerate that much. That could be why. :idea:

I'd be straight passed out with 3 bowls in an hour of my smoke. 3 bowls a day is a lot. If you need that much medicine I'd suggest you EAT IT! Much healthier for you bro. You need to heat/cook the weed to activate it though. You can find recipes around here.


Well-Known Member
See its not that the shit I get is bad. That's not it. I enjoy being high. Really fucking high. I enjoy it immensely. I enjoy it so much I could do it 24/7 if it wasn't so expensive. It is possible my numbers are slightly high, however it does not change the fact that these things are/have happened to me.

I know potent smoke. Believe me. My friend makes oil and I did a drop of that and I swear to whatever deity you pray to that no more then 5 minutes later I was passed out on my friends couch in a coma only to wake up 6 hours later wondering where the fuck I was.

Potency isn't the problem. I just enjoy smoking.

My average use is 1/8th a week. During these episodes I had a roomie who smoked like a chimney so we always had an abundance of dank. I would say anywhere between 3/4ths to 1 1/4th ounce in a week would trigger these episodes.


Well-Known Member
damn r u serious!? i smoke alot of weed, and thats never happend to me. sometimes i get that burned out feeling and its hard to do shit, but never that bad. r u sure its from smoking weed? u might wanna get it checked out man.


Well-Known Member
Ive never "burned out". Im about 99.9% sure its weed related. It only has happened after smoking.

Another experience I have had that has only happened once, and I shit you not, is as follows.

The first time I experienced the hand problems I also experienced (its kind of hard to explain) for about a week to a week an a half, an extreme sense of being high but I had not ingested any pot at all. I walked around feeling high, I would be at work and I would feel high, I would suffer all the tell tale signs of being high but I hadn't smoked anything. It was AWESOME for the first few days but when it didn't wear off by the fourth day I became quite concerned. Regrettably because I didn't have insurance at the time I never got a chance to see a doctor about it. Eventually it wore off and everything returned to normal.

The funniest thing to happen during the first episode was at work. I worked in a retail store selling car audio equipment (subwoofers, amps, car decks, speakers so on and so forth). The job was pretty lax so I never had to work to hard. Anyway the phone rings and I answer it. The person at the other end had one of the worst monotone voices I had ever heard. Half way through the conversation I literally fell asleep. Not doze off, not phase out. I literally fell asleep about 5 minutes into the call. What woke me up was apparently the fact that I was lightly snoring into the phone and the person on the other end repeatedly saying "Hello?". One of the funniest things that I have ever done.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
damn r u serious!? i smoke alot of weed, and thats never happend to me. sometimes i get that burned out feeling and its hard to do shit, but never that bad. r u sure its from smoking weed? u might wanna get it checked out man.
yeah ive only got that burned out feeling, saturated in weed from smoking non stop for a couple days and not doing anything else....but other than that i been straight..moderation is key....i smoke daily but i try to keep it down to once or twice


Well-Known Member
IDK, what u guys smoke, but i used to smoke an 8th a day of hydro. and if i was celebrating, i would go through a halfo in 2 days. I never had a problem in the morning. It just sucks because now i smoke an 8th blunt and i'm only high for about 40 minutes. No joke. And it's a bitch to quit.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the good doctor needs to detox. After the first 24 hours its really not so bad. I'm currently detoxing for a week and im 48 hours into it. I feel great.


Active Member
just dont smoke so much bud problem solved. i have been high for 3 days before but i dont near that much. just quit smoking for like 2 weeks at a time and ur tolerance goes through the floor again.


Well-Known Member
I understand that Cracker but no money, no insurance seeing a doctor really isn't an option. On top of that I'm not suffering from anything right now so no reason to see a doctor.


Well-Known Member
That was the plan Cracker :) Its not hard to stop it just sucks to stop. I hope I hear from someone who has experienced something similar to this.


Well-Known Member
Maybe my tolerance is stupid low, but it only takes 3 or 4 hits to get me stupid baked. I find damned near everything difficult, mostly because my brain is spinning at 1000 miles an hour in every direction.

I simply can't smoke during contact with non-smoking people because I'm so OBVIOUSLY stoned that it would do my relationships and profession harm.

So I simply just toke up in the evening when my insomnia has me thriving past everyone elses bedtime. Take about 3 - 5 pulls from the vape and I'm cooked until at least 4 or 5 in the morning. Then I get my regular 2 hours of sleep and feel great the next day.

Even when I was smoking 2 and 3 times a day in high school I did, and still do, lose feeling in my fingers and feet, I find the sliding glass door a fascinating then to operate and find myself closing a door for almost 4 minutes before I realize I'm fking fascinated with a damned door.

If I stop to concentrate on finding my fingers and feet again I generally can, but I don't think I lose feeling with them I just forget that I have them.

I haven't smoked ammounts you're talking about in the last 14 years so I honestly can't remember what those days were like.

I think I understand you though man. I think it's more mental than anything. It's been shown that some people are far more sensitive to THC than others. Sounds like you and I are just in the lucky few that really feel the full effects.


I may completely revise this in the morning as I'm about to take pull #3 and I'm feeling REALLY good.


Well-Known Member
"I think I understand you though man. I think it's more mental than anything. It's been shown that some people are far more sensitive to THC than others. Sounds like you and I are just in the lucky few that really feel the full effects."

That could very well be true Retired. I have, during numerous occasions, hallucinated during smoking sessions.

Most memorable "not sure if that really happened" moment came when me and some friends were driving to the mall or some shit and we pulled up next to this car. I was so god damn high I still don't know if this really happened, but we pull up at a red light and I glance over at the driver in the car next to me and I do a double take. On the second glance over I see this guy hold up what appears to be a pocket whiskey flask, sip it, look at me, shake it at me and gives me this thumbs up with a goofy ass grin on his face. I tell my buddies to look over and they look and hes sitting there all normal and shit. I tell them what I saw and they couldn't believe it. Like I said I still don't know if it really happened or if I hallucinated it.


Well-Known Member
damn r u serious!? i smoke alot of weed, and thats never happend to me. sometimes i get that burned out feeling and its hard to do shit, but never that bad. r u sure its from smoking weed? u might wanna get it checked out man.

i agree

you can always catch me with a blunt/joint in my mouth...

no problems what so ever.... not yet anyway *knocks on wood*

if you think its hella serious, you need to get off the computer talking to us and goto the emergency room...i dont think its cannabis related, but what do i know

i am just a mere peasant! :bigjoint::dunce::cuss:


Well-Known Member
My social stone claim to fame was when I was so fried that I sat and had a conversation with, wrote a song about, and dedicated a poem to .....

my god damned eyebrows. (I was 14 and between 3 of us we smoked 4 bowls in an hour.)

I sitll get taunted from that night occasionally. Got an e-mail last week from one of the guys I got high with that night with a complete dictation of my song about my eye brows. They still keep bringing that shit up...

I've also been known to wait for myself to get home. I walk around my driveway waiting for me to get home. If was REALLY cooked I'll actually be worried that I might not show up.

Then there are some of my friends who really don't 'go' the places I do. They get happy, they get focused, but they don't really let go of reality and day to day life, I feel like they're having a mini-high. Granted their noobs but it seems unfair that the noobs can't get as stoned as I can and although I only started smoking again in Dec, I literarally had to smoke several pounds of weed through high school, and I still get seriously baked on just a few hits. They worry because they think I have no control when I'm stoned, what they don't realize is that I just REALLY know how to let go.

I never got people who had to 'keep it together' when high. I really think it's best to just let the high take you where it wants. Isn't that the point anyway?
