Ok so i knew id run into problems but why ? (yellowing of the leafs)

Does anyone have any idea why the second true leafs are turning yellow yes i know its Nitrogen deficiency but why in this stage it wasn't like this last night now all of sudden boom yellow argh.. any ways to fix this? KINDLE_CAMERA_1383390582000.jpg yea its a little blurry my cam sucks sorry but you can defiantly see them I've heard some ways but id rather post it on here to see if any body said the same shit.. go ahead post away haha… Peace:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Looks okay to me. I don't worry much when they are tiny about some discoloration.

But what on earth is it growing in? Straight sand???

Have you given any nutes? If growing in something with no value then you may need to!
Its kinda like sand but not when its wet its dry at the top because of the CFL on it but its more like just dirt (from under a rose bush) but thanks ill change that asap as soon as i get some money to do this haha..

but yea what nutes should i give it and i thought at this stage it wouldn't be right to do so? or should i just say fuck it and do it for the plant.
Damn so quick to judge haha jk its actually from my front yard got a huge rose bush out there but i will asap soon as i can get me some damn soil but i was wondering i have a huge bag of this >>>miracle gro garden soil trees and shrubs continuous release plant food is that ok?
ya what i heard so just some regular potting soil with some perlite can it be miracle gro potting soil or will that be bad if its just regular potting soil ?
I'm thinking a week as of today. I'm really bad with time so maybe a week if not then 5 days old haha man.. shoulda really kept timing.
cool i think its pretty healthy .. i have 2 plants 2 and half weeks and they are almost as big as yours even i am using a 400 hps :S


Well-Known Member
Look...#1 new growth will always be a lime or lighter green....
#2-Like others said use some nice potting soil [MG potting soil is fine/I mix in Perilite and Vermiculite], or you will need to feed it almost daily, your medium [sand stuff] noes not have many if any nutes in it, that's the deal....
So you must #3 Feed now daily until you transplant or it will get yellow and stop growing...
#4-Good Luck!!!
Ya i noticed yours looked a little smaller then mine but I'm wondering why my second true leafs the one to the left in the picture is a little smaller then the right one haha weird and there yellow but someone told me not to worry bout it probably cuz I'm using shitty onsite soil.on it @ Sand4x105 thanks.
this shit is driving me crazy lol Sand4x105 is a professional and he gave me some good advises so i am going to give it a try and see


Well-Known Member
Please don't transplant into nute-added MG. It's a little harsh for seedlings.

If yellowing continues...and it looks fine now to me, but if it get seriously yellow...then feed at 1/4 strength...and relax.
No I didn't use mg I transplanted it with 1 part hapi gro soil 1 part hapi grow cow manure and a bunch of perlite. I messed up some roots that were dangling but not the ball itself. Hopefully my love will be okay but will find out soon lol dueces.