OK, So I'm pretty sure I effed up!

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
This is only my second grow , I have 8 plants under 400 watts. all was going well untill I got overzealous with my pruning and removed most of the fan leaves. I'm into the 3rd week of flower and they look great, aside from being a bit thin. There are lots of smaller leaves and all the main colas have some descent sized leaves still. But the big droopy ass fan leaves have been removed by alien powers and are not returning. Please be (mostly) honest and tell me that I didn't fuck up too bad. I'm really stressed because I know a great deal about plants and how they work and i know better .But for some reason, that shit my neighbor grew fucked me all up and I made a bad decision! Any and all comments or suggestions will be appreciated. You can say mean and nasty shit if you want , but like I said I already know that what I did is not optimal ...


Well-Known Member
They will make it.
I burned almost all the leafs from a Sensi star with a space heater once.
She lived an budded up better than I thought.
But her sisters with lots of fan leafs yielded more.


Well-Known Member
I done the same thing in the past. You will be fine. Your yeild might take a hit and plants growth might will be stunted for a few days.


Well-Known Member
they will survive , But don't pick off anymore leaves. There is no need to remove any leaves . They will still grow very healthy . Nature doesn't do this and you should not either. Just let them bush out and keep one or more fans going at all times. Gotta keep the air moving. Don't rely on just exaust fans. They are to remove heat.


Sector 5 Moderator
I don't know where the idea that removing the fan leaves is good came from but whoever made it up I hope the fleas of a thousand camels infests his arm pits. Roots make leaves; leaves make bud. End of story.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone , I do feel better about it. Still feelin like a dumbshit though but I guess that will pass. alot of the fan leaves had powdery mildew(rediculously humd) thats what i think prompted me to get rid of them in the first place. I wish I could post some pics but, not set up for that just yet... Thank's again


Well-Known Member
I think I can give you a method of knowing before harvest if you ruined your plant.

I did the same thing, over zealous pair of scissors in my case. When the third week of flowering ended,
about halfway through flowering, the green leaves started coming in white. Albino white. I harvested a couple weeks later
and ended up tossing out a QB. It was a couple weeks after the great fan removal that I started seeing white.

I'm not guaranteeing you will see white growth after a couple weeks if you trimmed her too much. But that's what happened with my Armageddon.

