OREGON Northeast, Top Shelf Meds in the Desert

I'm a OMMP card holder Grower. I'm looking at picking up a couple new patients ( Card Holders ) only. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
WARNING: My Meds are of the highest Strength and Quality suited for Patients in great pain. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
All parts of any dealings with me MUST stay 100% legal, so please don't ask me to cut any corners.:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
Please feel free in emailing me. [email protected] :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
Will travel to: Pendleton, Hermiston, Boardman, La Grande, and sometimes Baker City, Ontario as well as some others. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Active Member
Poopoo lePew,

Rumor has it that growers in Pendleton use all the horse/cow/pig shit leftover at the Round Up for their ganja gardens. Nothing like taking a hit of some Pendleton Poo to get you going in the morning.
Luther Luther Listen my friend
We have the very best clean Air, soil, the best organic furtilizers, mountain spring water, and a sun that just doesn't seem to ever stop shining.
It's so hard to mess up your grow over here so you can focas on having nothing but top shelf Meds. Luther I would love to get a sample to
you and let you tell people how good or bad my stuff is. It maybe the best you've smoked in years, dont ahhhh or say what ever to me.
I'm flat offering you some of the best you'll ever have in your life....FREE Sample as long as you have a green card my friend.
Just went through this with a guy from portland and he said, It was the best he's ever had and if not it was very close.
Listen I'm rolling through Portland in just a few day and I would like a chance of a reveiw, will you help me out by trying some out???
This is the real deal my friend....Lets do it.....or someone out there that's well know here on (rollitup) that will be honest with a review ! ! !


Active Member
I just came back from Bend.

I have my own ganja, grown in bag soil, under a fake sun. Nuted like 3 Mile island, smoked on, cussed on, and leered on. It isn't the best, but it is as good as most around.

One thing about RIU...every pud that grows anywhere, claims they have the best.


New Member
Nothing wrong with having pride in your product, Le Pew. Luther just gets tired of all the bragging on RIU, that is all. I am always interested in trying strains, and I have done many reviews. I think the first thing in reviewing others is letting go of your own ego for the time being. I try to never compare someone else's meds to mine. I compare their meds to what I look for in meds......great potency, taste, aroma and bag appeal. I also am a fan of putting up pics of your buds, so we can see them, too. We all love the bud porn.

Anyways....good luck with your venture. As for Luther, I know that when he and I went down to MAMA for a potluck, we saw a lot of people claiming they had some "fire shit" and most of it was very leafy, badly manicured bud, or over fertilized buds with very little trichome development. Think about it...haha.....how many times back in the day did you ever hear a dealer say...."yo man, I got some mediocre shit" haha. Unfortunately, some people lie about their product.

Good luck on the grow, and I hope you remember to give back to your OMMP community! Take care!


Active Member
Mafer rags me for bagging on our own grown. When you only do 6 plants, you tend to baby them. You name them. You know which one likes what. And it is hard for the grower to rank his own grown baby as shitweed. I prefer tight buds, sat dom, and moderately strong. The people down at MAMA...hahaha...everybody had hoona grown from the Dali Lama's soil, and blessed by the late great fat slob, Jack Herer. Sorry to see that he had the big one at the ganjafest thing in Portland a year or so ago. Sorry, peeps. He probably smoked a couple bowls of Ice Anom, ate a rib sandwich from NoPo and plugged a vein. Thanks, Hazo.
LOL.....Funny shit ! ! ! Come on Luther lighten up,
you pop on here bored and start poking around and even take a couple of pokes with a sharp stick at me.
Sounds like your one of those local Dirt Clods who has self apointed him self into God like statis.
Another thing Luther, I'm as far from Bend here in Pendleton as you are from Roseburg Duff....LOL
I certainly hope you pay more attention to your plants then you do the world around you.
Oh by the way I'm going through portland area by way of 205 on Friday afternoon.
I would be glad for you to have a chance to judge my stuff and call it as you see it as you try it.
But you have to reflect your findings on this page. Be a sport and go for it, no hard feels here.
Same for you HAZORAZO and thanks for the reply.


New Member
I would meet you for a sample, I am a card holder. I will give an honest review, like I always do. I usually will snap a couple pics of the bud before I smoke, so I can post pics to RIU. Let me know if there is a time you are coming through, and I will be glad to meet you somewhere. I am not trying to get handouts, but I will certainly settle an argument if it means smoking a bowl......haha.

As for Luther, I am nowhere near a 4 handicap, and I still love the challenge....even though I suck. But if we all left it for people under a 4 handicap, golf would become extinct, since no one would work on their games....haha. I still have the mentality that if I came away with a few pars and maybe a birdie, I had a good day. The snowmen on either side of the pars and birdies do not bother me. I am there for fun!

Luther, you let me know when, where and how you would like to meet up, and we will share some meds and some stories.....Hope everyone is well!


New Member
And Pepe, I am not doubting your abilities in the least bit. Just making sure I did not sound like I was ripping on you....haha.


Active Member
Hazo can meet you if he wants. I have absolutely no desire to sample every phantom growers stash... especially the ones that come in here daily with your mantra. I simply don't care. You driving around trying to find gratification is funny tho. There just isn't that many people that will accept free ganja and then say it was jeffbelized.