Organic no till, probiotic, knf, jadam, vermicomposting, soil mixes, sips etc... Q & A

Link to free book in pdf format on knf recipes written by one Cho's students. I don't follow all knf recipes. I do jadam and kyusei recipea too. But for imo i would do the knf version.
Man, I am in the middle of remodeling my house. I had a veteran's volunteer group from HomeDepot come and install windows for free, but it is eating up all of my free time. They barley started on a bathroom and I am going to have to finish it. Anyways, I think that my LABs got tossed out on accident, probably by a volunteer. No biggie, I ordered EM1 today. I keep trying to read about JADAM and KNF but I mostly get articles that explain WHY to do it and not HOW...
Use the flesh and skin of the pumpkin. Toss or compost the stem.. The seeds, cook or make an sst or grow more pumpkins.

EM1 liquid mixed with vegetable and fruits. Then ferment for a week. It will develop into EM2.
EM2 liquid mixed with bran, brown sugar and rice water and ferment for about a week, it will become EM3.
Let ferment for about another week without adding anything. It will become EM4.
Add vinegar and distilled alochol. Then ferment for about another week, it will become EM5

The FPE recipe I'm doing; For flower I'm sticking to using red, yellow, orange fruits. No citrus. Its fermented for 4 weeks total.

For veg I'm using green plants. All my other veggie scraps go to the worm bin.

I'm using labs in my FPE not EM1.

EM1 is the same lacto bacteria in labs plus photsynthetic bacteria and yeast.
This is where I start to get lost, I don't know what each one is for EM1, EM2, Etc.. Comfrey is one of the things that I want to focus on next. I have plenty of room to have aloe and comfrey on the side...
Where to get the ingredients

Wheat bran or rice bran can be purchased at any co-op or grain/feed supply store. A 50-pound bag of wheat bran usually costs about $15 (plus tax). The molasses can be purchased at a feed store or in any grocery store in the baking section (near the sugars). A quart of molasses is usually about $5. Blackstrap, cane, or feed molasses are what you want. Other sugars can be used, but require recipe changes to accommodate for lack of sugar and minerals and are not as stable during fermentation.

Ingredient _______________10 lbs___________________ 50 lbs_____________ 2,000 lbs

EM•1 or AEM _____________4 Tablespoons_____________ 3/4 Cup___________1 Gallon

Molasses_________________4 Tablespoons_____________3/4 Cup ___________1 Gallon

Water____________________10 Cups __________________3-4 Gallons________75-100 Gallons

Bran (carbon material)______10 lbs ___________________ 50 lbs____________2000 lbs

Bokashi Recipe & Bokashi Bran

  1. Ingredients
  2. Large black plastic garbage bag or airtight container(s)
  3. Something to mix the materials in or on

  1. Mix one gallon of the water with the molasses to dissolve the molasses. Mix in the EM•1 or AEM
  2. Mix the liquid thoroughly into the bran.
  3. Squeeze some of the bran into a ball. If it holds shape and no extra liquid comes out, it is the correct moisture. Put into bag or container. If it is too dry, add more water and mix.
  4. If using the bag, tie the bag tightly, squeezing out excess air. If using a container, press down mixture and cover container tightly.
  5. Place mixture somewhere warm and out of the way. Let it ferment for a minimum of two weeks. Longer is fine.
  6. When fermentation is complete, you may notice some white mold on/in the bokashi. This is good. Black or green mold means some air got into the container or it was too moist and is not desirable. You can use the material as is without drying, stored in a closed container, for up to 2 weeks, or dry for long-term storage.
  7. Keep airtight during storage, whether dry or wet.
Do you use this as a top-dress or is it just a precursor to another step, like a bokashi bucket? Don't get mad at me, I'm trying here lol...
Man, I am in the middle of remodeling my house. I had a veteran's volunteer group from HomeDepot come and install windows for free, but it is eating up all of my free time. They barley started on a bathroom and I am going to have to finish it. Anyways, I think that my LABs got tossed out on accident, probably by a volunteer. No biggie, I ordered EM1 today. I keep trying to read about JADAM and KNF but I mostly get articles that explain WHY to do it and not HOW...

This is where I start to get lost, I don't know what each one is for EM1, EM2, Etc.. Comfrey is one of the things that I want to focus on next. I have plenty of room to have aloe and comfrey on the side...

Theres alot of good videos on youtube.

Hyrootpharms - howto make labs

Just search in youtube any of the following

:how to make labs
How to make em1
How to make sst
How to make fpj
Knf methods
Christ trump has alot of simple videos out.

If you cant find how to videos, theres something wrong lol
Man, I am in the middle of remodeling my house. I had a veteran's volunteer group from HomeDepot come and install windows for free, but it is eating up all of my free time. They barley started on a bathroom and I am going to have to finish it. Anyways, I think that my LABs got tossed out on accident, probably by a volunteer. No biggie, I ordered EM1 today. I keep trying to read about JADAM and KNF but I mostly get articles that explain WHY to do it and not HOW...

This is where I start to get lost, I don't know what each one is for EM1, EM2, Etc.. Comfrey is one of the things that I want to focus on next. I have plenty of room to have aloe and comfrey on the side...

Go to the start of this thread and read the whole thing hyroot explains alot
So random question, apologize if its been covered but I have a feeling it hasn't. What makes any of the ferment recipes superior as an organic input, afterall, isnt fermenting/bokashi, just another way nature breaks things down, so how is it superior to compost or castings? Even a compost tea is pointless if you have really good soil with 30%+ EWC and lots of top dresses/ worms.
10 gal is fine for mothers

Sips mimic nature. The resi and wicking pot or medium acts as the water table below the ground surface wicking water up through soil to trees and plants in the wild.

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Yes i have worms in my pots and i top water when the top layer dries a bit. But i water just enough to wet the top layer.

I add a splash of labs and flower power to the resi. Top feed every 4 -5 days. Each time alternate water, labs, flower power. Sometimes swap plain water for sst. If i don't have any malted barley seed to top dress.

For veg i just top homemade castings
Occasional alfalfa / kelp tea.
OK, so this explains a little. I'm not set-up for SIP. I have 8gal square pots and I'm going to have to work with them until I see another Harvey or two. How would I use this stuff if I am not adding it to a reservoir?
So random question, apologize if its been covered but I have a feeling it hasn't. What makes any of the ferment recipes superior as an organic input, afterall, isnt fermenting/bokashi, just another way nature breaks things down, so how is it superior to compost or castings? Even a compost tea is pointless if you have really good soil with 30%+ EWC and lots of top dresses/ worms.

Diversity is key, and you want a balance of fungal and bacterial cultures in your soil.
OK, so this explains a little. I'm not set-up for SIP. I have 8gal square pots and I'm going to have to work with them until I see another Harvey or two. How would I use this stuff if I am not adding it to a reservoir?

You would need to add it to your resevoir to
Go look for your gypsum and be quiet!!! I'm on page 10 and I've watched his videos. I'm not trying to get spoon fed like some members on here!

Lol trying to help, whatever dude.

Labs goes in the res to take up space /food of the bad anaerobes so they cant get established. Thats why you add it every week.

If your not making a sip, then you can use it as a foliar and water it in.

But yeah for sips it keeps the res from going rotten.

Go ahead block me . ;)
So random question, apologize if its been covered but I have a feeling it hasn't. What makes any of the ferment recipes superior as an organic input, afterall, isnt fermenting/bokashi, just another way nature breaks things down, so how is it superior to compost or castings? Even a compost tea is pointless if you have really good soil with 30%+ EWC and lots of top dresses/ worms.
My compost and castings has a really high phosphorus count, like 15x too high. At the same time, it really doesn't cover micro/trace elements. I'm not trying to answer your question, but add to it maybe??? I have a very similar question. I was getting chlorosis even with a healthy amount of compost.
Go ahead block me . ;)
I did, but I'll give you another chance... Fair warning though, I'll only take advice from Hyroot and DonTesla. I feel that they have been practicing this for years and I've been on the side-line fooling around with soil tests w/o many answers. Sure, soil tests show me what is missing but it don't tell me how to fix it.
Diversity is key, and you want a balance of fungal and bacterial cultures in your soil.
but the fungi and bacteria do balance out, on already. There are millions of each in every table spoon of rich soil, and they are not just there for no reason, the diversity and amount of each is there for specific reasons because they have there own food and life cycles. The plant has an influence on this as will through its exudates. At this point we (scientists/biologists) don't even fully understand what is going in soil just yet.
At this point we (scientists/biologists) don't even fully understand what is going in soil just yet.
Right! That is why folks like Clackamas Coots are making their own discoveries like barley enzymes. Hell, Jeff Lowenfels admits that science has not caught up to farming practices yet and they don't even know why Neem works the way that it does, they haven't figure shit out yet.
I did, but I'll give you another chance... Fair warning though, I'll only take advice from Hyroot and DonTesla. I feel that they have been practicing this for years and I've been on the side-line fooling around with soil tests w/o many answers. Sure, soil tests show me what is missing but it don't tell me how to fix it.

I would say don't take advice from anyone really, just do your own thing, and do side by sides, on every grow. Only way to learn yourself andmake progess. its all about the journey. Now I have heard your high phosphorous thing like 10x, no offense, but even though your soil test says that, doesn't mean that its 100% causing the problem you are having. Soil tests are a small part of the picture, and many amazing growers get amazing results and have never done one.
Im doing a side by side on all my grows for the next 3 months where I have the same strain and clone, and I do 1 in 100% strength mix, 1 cut with 50% promix, and one in pro mix with Pure blend pro nutrients. I will even do a 4th plant with my outdoor vegetable garden soil that has been serving my veggies great for 3 years with not a damn thing done to it. After that round of tests when I find a mix that is good, then I will do side by side tests with ferments/SST's/EWC compost teas/Top dresses, and see what all these extras amount to.