Organic Resin Boost


Well-Known Member
no worries, i even use it from time to time on my inorganic grows, but the organic, inorganic, and spiritual crops are all a little different, same strains different conditions, different feeds slightly different smokes between them.


Well-Known Member
do you think it will cause that much of a variation between using seaweed/kelp as opposed to snowstorm in regards to smoke, taste, and burn ? and are you saying your opposed to it because of the possibility of smoking carcinogens ?


Well-Known Member
I am personally opposed to all synthetics carcinogens being a main reason, also I like to make edibles and I dont want to be boiling metals and gross shit into my budder. The taste of the bud is of a much higher quality when grown organically, imho. Sea kelp provides 70+ micronutrients to plants including cytokaninis (sp?) which help in plant nutrient uptake and growth. I dont know how snow storm works (another reason I dont use it) so I cant comment on that


Well-Known Member
i grow synthetic for cash crops, and organic for headstash, and outdoor manure for spiritual smoke used only for Mahadev Yoga


Well-Known Member
i grow synthetic for cash crops, and organic for headstash, and outdoor manure for spiritual smoke used only for Mahadev Yoga

I'd probably fall over doing yoga stoned haha.
Yea I can see how synthetics would be used for cash crops. This organics business is a pain in the neck. It smells and flies attack me like I'm a piece of dog shit and as you know Fish emulsion stains your skin and it doesn't come off lol..My gf hates me.

Have any of you guys used Alaska Products ?


Well-Known Member
Hey hustleboy20, what is the name of the strain that you are growing that has red pistils? The pic of the bud with the red pistils is insane, you don't see that to much. Also, I am pretty sure it takes chemicals to extract the triacontanol, which is why it is not listed as organic. I'm not 100% positive, but from my research of the product(snowstorm) a year or so ago that is what I got out of it. Also, a few info pages that I found on Google refer triacontanol as a chemical. Again, I'm not positive, this is just what I have found online after I bought a bottle of snowstorm. Like someone else had mentioned the best things for a frosty harvest are, #1-good genetics, #2-food availability(ie;no deficiency/imbalances) and #3- environment control. IF YOU LOVE YOUR PLANTS, THEY WILL LOVE YOU BACK...........


Well-Known Member
Hey hustleboy20, what is the name of the strain that you are growing that has red pistils? The pic of the bud with the red pistils is insane, you don't see that to much. Also, I am pretty sure it takes chemicals to extract the triacontanol, which is why it is not listed as organic. I'm not 100% positive, but from my research of the product(snowstorm) a year or so ago that is what I got out of it. Also, a few info pages that I found on Google refer triacontanol as a chemical. Again, I'm not positive, this is just what I have found online after I bought a bottle of snowstorm. Like someone else had mentioned the best things for a frosty harvest are, #1-good genetics, #2-food availability(ie;no deficiency/imbalances) and #3- environment control. IF YOU LOVE YOUR PLANTS, THEY WILL LOVE YOU BACK...........

The strain is Jedi and it's the only pheno that color of the 10 or so I have..It sucks tho because I can't keep her going. once I harvest she is done since i guarantee the seeds won't pass on that trait.. :(

As for snow storm I'm going to give it a whack and see how it works out..Ive been trying to keep everything balanced as best as possible as this is my first time making tea's and such so its a little beyond my normal run.

Ill take more picts and you guys can let me know how Im doing !



Well-Known Member
dude send me a cutting or hell even a leaf i would try to make a tissue culture from it, in fact there is a guy that is on here, his puppet account at least, that knows his way around with tissue cultures he likes rare genetics so i might offer a leaf to him if i where you. his user name is pharmacoping.


Well-Known Member
dude send me a cutting or hell even a leaf i would try to make a tissue culture from it, in fact there is a guy that is on here, his puppet account at least, that knows his way around with tissue cultures he likes rare genetics so i might offer a leaf to him if i where you. his user name is pharmacoping.

how does that even work, Ive seen people put leaves in a test tube but to grow a plant from a chunk of a leave, thats crazy

this guy gonna make 1000's off my cutting and laugh at me cause I let him have it for free lol


Well-Known Member
think of it as your contribution to modern medicine, he may make thousands but you will be keeping amazing genetics alive this respect of knowing you made a significant contribution to weed society should be payment enough.


Well-Known Member
think of it as your contribution to modern medicine, he may make thousands but you will be keeping amazing genetics alive this respect of knowing you made a significant contribution to weed society should be payment enough.

Unless he takes it and erases me from history lol

where is this guy situated ? east or west coast


I heard bud factor x from advance nutes, works wonders!! Trying it with my opp soon!

gone to the moon and never coming back!


Active Member
It takes some real good equipment to start a plant from the DNA of the plant. definitely doable though. Probably access to a University lab


Well-Known Member
It takes some real good equipment to start a plant from the DNA of the plant. definitely doable though. Probably access to a University lab

I want full rights to it..Im not gonna make some dude rich and only have the rights to say " ya I grew that " and have people tell me Im a noob how could I have haha

It's not about money but it is, I wanna be rich if its that much of a commodity.

Im gonna have to look into that PLATINUM long as it isn't 100 bucks a bottle of some stuff I could make myself Ill def give it a try for sure !