Osama Bin Laden........


Well-Known Member
just when I thought I was goingto move on.....

what does PATRIOTIC mean? and who gets left out...?

if ONE is patriotic.. are they inhumane?

Inhumane is saying that the US government killed 2000 of it's own citizens on purpose only to blame it on a "figment". That also fits under the category of unpatriotic. And if indeed he is a figment... how is he living in luxury in a condo paid for by Bush.... if you're going to spout random conspiracy theories off, at least be consistent. And he didn't do 9/11 by himself... there were lots of people behind it (RADICAL ISLAMISTS) and it wasn't the US government. The definition of patriotic is "inspired by love for your country". Are you implying that the US soldiers fighting for freedom around the world are inhumane? Don't get me wrong, I think the war in Iraq is a lost cause in the short term, however I would never blame 9/11 on anyone but the people who did it and doing anything but that is unpatriotic and a travesty to the United States of America.

And I'll argue it until I die.

But first I'll roll one up.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Inhumane is saying that the US government killed 2000 of it's own citizens on purpose only to blame it on a "figment". That also fits under the category of unpatriotic. And if indeed he is a figment... how is he living in luxury in a condo paid for by Bush.... if you're going to spout random conspiracy theories off, at least be consistent. And he didn't do 9/11 by himself... there were lots of people behind it (RADICAL ISLAMISTS) and it wasn't the US government. The definition of patriotic is "inspired by love for your country". Are you implying that the US soldiers fighting for freedom around the world are inhumane? Don't get me wrong, I think the war in Iraq is a lost cause in the short term, however I would never blame 9/11 on anyone but the people who do it and doing anything but that is unpatriotic and a travesty to the United States of America.
I don't understand.. baby steps for me bro

please just tell me what the word patriotic means... cause I thnk we must have different definition...

cause being patriotic... means defending a country.. and speaking of figments of your inaginations.. BUT the concept of this coutry is a figment of many mens imaginations... it is nothing but an idea... you agree with me right? this is just a FIGEMNT... not the land itself.. but the actual COUNTRY USA... is just a figment..

so to be patriotic means to DEFEND the "figment" over the WHOLE... the whole.. being or equal to what is real.. which is humanity...

so being unpatriotic is being inhumane... or shall we say DELUSIONAL to the point of insantity... defendig an imaginary castle to the death....

yes this is CRAZY.. crazy being equal to.. delusional... not in touch with realitty.... but if this is you.. don't worry MOST people THINK the USA is real..... they think that laws are real.... they think that gravity is real...(einstein disproved gravity 40 years ago)...

and those wh are delusional stick together... they even fight ABOUT what is "real" within the figment... thus giving their fake delusional world even more reality... more "validity"

example.... 2 countries fight over wheather Spiderman is a jew or a christian or a muslim... in the mean time.. they foregt that not only is spiderman not real.. but neither is christian, jew or muslim... they fell for there own make belive world and now they are wiling to die for it...

all fabrications of the mind....

so what is real... well... the earth is real.... you are real.... i am real

patriotic... not real.. concept.. fabrication... just something to ADD to your persona.. whcih is plenty real on its own.. you don't need to add a PHD, or christian, or, patriotic, or winner of the bowling trphy in the 3rd grade.. these are all just imaginary titles..... they are fun to play with.... but don't for a single second think that YOU can say they are real and still be sane...



Well-Known Member
I don't understand.. baby steps for me bro

please just tell me what the word patriotic means... cause I thnk we must have different definition...

cause being patriotic... means defending a country.. and speaking of figments of your inaginations.. BUT the concept of this coutry is a figment of many mens imaginations... it is nothing but an idea... you agree with me right? this is just a FIGEMNT... not the land itself.. but the actual COUNTRY USA... is just a figment..

so to be patriotic means to DEFEND the "figment" over the WHOLE... the whole.. being or equal to what is real.. which is humanity...

so being unpatriotic is being inhumane... or shall we say DELUSIONAL to the point of insantity... defendig an imaginary castle to the death....

yes this is CRAZY.. crazy being equal to.. delusional... not in touch with realitty.... but if this is you.. don't worry MOST people THINK the USA is real..... they think that laws are real.... they think that gravity is real...(einstein disproved gravity 40 years ago)...

and those wh are delusional stick together... they even fight ABOUT what is "real" within the figment... thus giving their fake delusional world even more reality... more "validity"

example.... 2 countries fight over wheather Spiderman is a jew or a christian or a muslim... in the mean time.. they foregt that not only is spiderman not real.. but neither is christian, jew or muslim... they fell for there own make belive world and now they are wiling to die for it...

all fabrications of the mind....

so what is real... well... the earth is real.... you are real.... i am real

patriotic... not real.. concept.. fabrication... just something to ADD to your persona.. whcih is plenty real on its own.. you don't need to add a PHD, or christian, or, patriotic, or winner of the bowling trphy in the 3rd grade.. these are all just imaginary titles..... they are fun to play with.... but don't for a single second think that YOU can say they are real and still be sane...

Being "patriotic" just does not apply to this century. It once meant we wouldn't let the red-coats push us around anymore and you were either a loyalist or a PATRIOT. That was back in the late 1700's though, and I guess there was still patriotism during the was of 1812.
The word "patriotic" has no meaning today because our nation, even today, is pretty divided when it comes views on Iraq. Not to mention, we have it so much better than pretty much any other country in the world (unless you have a tough life, so let's just pretend we're all average Americans here...) making us completely UN-patriotic - BY NATURE! Shit... most Americans don't know crap about past presidents and events (i.e. how many 20-24 year olds that didn't learn it in school would know about Bay of Pigs or the Cuban Missile Crisis?).
Soldiers in Iraq, god bless their souls and their efforts, but they are just fighting a war, for the most part, that they don't even know the cause of. They just get deployed and do what they're told -- they're soldiers. And is our chief-in-command, Bush, a patriot? -- of course not
Conclusion: I feel the words "patriotic" and "un-patriotic" are a form of biggotry, it reminds me of some dumb hick who, like a captain sinking with his ship till the end telling with the opinion "towelheads... kill 'em all" that insult a poor "yankee" such as myself for thinking the war was a mistake to begin with. The only true un-patriotic thing is to hope for your nation to suffer. It's a state of mind, not a status you can achieve.


Well-Known Member
Patriotism is only a concept, That being said, even our forefathers said that it is patriotic to question authority.


Well-Known Member
Osama would be proud... no He'd say halibaba alah alah habib hupstash hupstash... hupstash hupstash means 15-15 I think... because when I would go to the stoore and by 15-15 (dime bags) hed say halilililil humpstash humpstash... So then I startrted telling him humpstash humpstash... and hed give me baggies... So I speak tereorist :)
And the reason Osama would say that becasue he was asking god for a dime bag...
Why else would he be on roll it up in the 1st place???

I herd he owns like 50% of verizon stock... think theres any validity to that?

Yea right FDD thats YOU in that picture![/quote]

I new it!!! FDD is a Gurl!!! ooo ya baby!!:hump::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i clearly stated under the first posting of that pic that "my wife is holding it for me". it appears no one got that far. lol


Well-Known Member
it was a joke on my part. beleive me i have seen fdd the legend in his wilson-like pictures with his face hidden behind a 1lb freak of nature monster. i was just continuing the panda bear female joke thing. lol


Well-Known Member
it was a joke on my part. beleive me i have seen fdd the legend in his wilson-like pictures with his face hidden behind a 1lb freak of nature monster. i was just continuing the panda bear female joke thing. lol

now that i've got you fooled again....nice.jpg


Well-Known Member
what man I wasn't saying nothin about nothin :)
I'm sorry I'm sorry actualy what I ment was Do you have this picture of this one pound bud??? With you standing behind it... looking like a dude... because it was a post op picture???
I joke I joke


Well-Known Member
what man I wasn't saying nothin about nothin :)
I'm sorry I'm sorry actualy what I ment was Do you have this picture of this one pound bud??? With you standing behind it... looking like a dude... because it was a post op picture???
I joke I joke

my 1lb bush.....:lol: