OSLON SSL from experience ...

Come to think about it ...

A very interesting combination would be :

WW 3000 K 80CRI + hyper red 660 nm + blue 450/460 nm .......

Which brings on my mind the 'Petunia' engine ....


Well ....


What about....

3x WW 2700K CRI95
6x WW 3000K CRI80
6x HYPER RED 660 nm
1x BLUE 460 nm


A small 16 led engine / mcpcb ....

3 of these 'engines' per heatsink 200x160x40 mm ( the 'classic' "brick" Fischer Elektronik SK85 )
48 leds per 'panel' ...
3x panels will be more than fine for one square meter ....

Ok ....

I think I've just found next project's color recipe ......
And no lines there ..
As is ...
From seed to harvest ...
It has almost everything what it takes to be a superb grow light..
Only UV is missing ...
Ok now ...

Any help/info on where possibly to find those, will be much appreciated


- LCW CRDP.EC-KTLP-5R8T ( 3000 K 80CRI )
-LCW CRDP.EC-KULQ-5O8Q (3500 K 80 CRI)


- LCW CQDP.CC-KPKR-5U8X (2700 K 95 CRI )
- LH CPDP-3T4T ( Hyper Red 660 nm )
-LB CPDP-GZHX- Group 4 or 5 (Blue 468-472nm or 472-476nm )

Ok now ...

Any help/info on where possibly to find those, will be much appreciated


- LCW CRDP.EC-KTLP-5R8T ( 3000 K 80CRI )
-LCW CRDP.EC-KULQ-5O8Q (3500 K 80 CRI)


- LCW CQDP.CC-KPKR-5U8X (2700 K 95 CRI )
- LH CPDP-3T4T ( Hyper Red 660 nm )
-LB CPDP-GZHX- Group 4 or 5 (Blue 468-472nm or 472-476nm )


ask Guod or God;-) .............good to see you back sds, how where the women and ganja this summer?
ask Guod or God;-) .............good to see you back sds, how where the women and ganja this summer?

(Don't tell ,but I'm kinda expecting Guod to answer ..He-he-he..Shhhhh!...)

Summer ?
Ohh ,the summer ....
And the women ....
And Ganja ...

Well ,this summer was weird enough ...
(At least at this part of the world ...)

Women & Summer ?
Real expensive 'sport' ...
Can't say I can afford it ,anymore..
So not that much of an 'action' ,there ..
(I'm telling you ...: W-E-I-R-D ! )

Ganja and I haven't had the time to talk so much ...
He is probably busy with Astir's issues ...
I 'd my own ...'Issues' ...
( At least I had the chance to work a lot with plants ,at general,this summer ...
Olive trees,Grapes,tomatoes,outdoor grown 'weeds'...guh...err..what I was saying ? ..
Ah,yeah...With apples also and watermelons ,melons,big melons ,like Pam..Nope ...
( Too much greenery and not much ...'meat' ...IYKWIM ... )

Ok ..You got it ,I think ...

Those Greek women ...
Most complicated women ,in the world ...

.......There was a guy that found a lamp with a genie inside it ..
When the genie told him ,that he could make one wish of him to become real ,the guy said :

-" I want a bridge from Greece to Peru .."

And the genie ,replied :

-"Are you nuts ? What kind of wish is that ? Com' on ,can't you find something easier than that ?
Have you any idea how much steel,asphalt and cement is needed ,for this bridge ?
Are you aware of the hundreds of limitations and unpredictable variables ,that make the design almost impossible to materialise ?
Don't you have any other wish ? "

-" Ok ,if that bridge is so difficult ,then I want to know what Greek women think ...
The way they think (If they think ,at all -but anyway...) ..
What is going on,in their mind ..
I want to have the ability ,to get inside their mind ..."

Said the guy and then then genie replied :

-"Shit ..Ok ... Just tell me a detail :
How many lanes ,you want on your bridge ? "

I should thank you so much ,Monsieur Guod !
Always there when needed !
(Oh ,I see that the prices dropped a bit ? So nice !! )
Ok now ...

Any help/info on where possibly to find those, will be much appreciated


- LCW CRDP.EC-KTLP-5R8T ( 3000 K 80CRI )
-LCW CRDP.EC-KULQ-5O8Q (3500 K 80 CRI)


- LCW CQDP.CC-KPKR-5U8X (2700 K 95 CRI )
- LH CPDP-3T4T ( Hyper Red 660 nm )
-LB CPDP-GZHX- Group 4 or 5 (Blue 468-472nm or 472-476nm )


find it!

- LCW CRDP.EC-KTLP-5R8T ( 3000 K 80CRI )

- LCW CQDP.CC-KPKR-5U8X (2700 K 95 CRI )
- LH CPDP-3T4T ( Hyper Red 660 nm )
-LB CPDP-GZHX- Group 4 or 5 (Blue 468-472nm or 472-476nm )
Some info :


Osram puts in an amber assist LED and calls it high CRI:
View attachment 2876708
Notice the huge peak at 617 nm. Red objects that this light shines on will become glowing orange. Still, this light will score high on the R9 test (red target) by the sheer quantity of orange it puts out. So high CRI is not high quality.

What you would really want for esthetic lighting is a peak of the beautiful saturated red (650nm and higher).

Thanks for the link. Funny how the coolwhite-red spectrum, which must look totally pink, somehow has a high CRI.

From the Osram's linked pdf :
-One number cannot tell you everything. Cannot fully

characterize the multidimensional experience of color such as color

appearance, color fidelity,chromatic discrimination, vividness and observer preferences.

New Metrics – Color Quality Scale (CQS)
Developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to define
and better qualify LED lighting.
CQS involves several facets of color quality, including: color rendering, chromatic
discrimination, and observer preferences.

Main differences from CRI:
-Takes into account subjective color saturation perception
-Gives weight to an
increase of saturation addressing perception
–Measures color fidelity with regard to color saturation preferences
-Moderate increase of saturation is often correlated with desired color perception.
-Identifies color fidelity but is only one number!

New Metrics – CRI / Gaumut Area Index (GAI)


Developed by ASSIST program to give subjective asse
ssments of vividness,
naturalness and acceptability.
CRI and CRI-like metrics only evaluate a single aspect: fidelity.
Good color rendering by a light source requires an
optimum amount of color saturation.
Gamut area index (GAI) is a good indica
tor of saturation.
This two-metric recommendation using CRI and GAI together can ensure good
color rendering.

LED Spectrum is Critical for Interior Design

Color Temperature (CCT) is not a perfect measure of lighting quality
Color rendering index is another imperfect lighting quality metric, with
its emotional impact dependent on the
interaction of the illuminated surfaces

Thank you !

on mouser are in list but not available...
in every thread, your hard work,your disquisitions... inspires me...
thank you very much
i'm working on something similar...I have first steps, you know:
mcpcb design or find something can work well,heatsink design,type of led and spectrum combination,reflow,angle,power,construction,lens...
electronic...?maybe...not in this step...too much work.

O.T: have you see this Oslon Gerber File...
Yes ,I've seen it ....
Especially,I've incorporated the thermal pad design of "Linear board for OSLON",
( extended copper pour surface area on thermal pads ,acting as 'heatsink' )
into my DIY mcpcbs for Oslons ....
( Leds reflowed on a kitchen's ceramic stove ... )
View attachment 2876867View attachment 2876868View attachment 2876869View attachment 2876871

IMS /MCPCB blank copper clads :

I have see your work,I have read all many time and i continue...realy interesting engine...all the process interest me...and work very well;-)
thank you for the link...the thin copper foil it's a way...pratical way...I never do it...the problem finaly it's reflow process DIY...
I'm interested the alumina and aluminum nitride heatsink with direct metalizations...and other abstract thing....
it's not a simple way...
which spectrum do you suggest to use for Oslon 150g for 7 led round mcpcb?cluster of 4 round engine X 7 led each for now in my mind...I prefer modular...
I'm searching square mcpcb for my design...like Astir... for Luxeon Rebel and Oslon mcpcb but it's not simple to find...and after to reflow...
I have see your work,I have read all many time and i continue...realy interesting engine...all the process interest me...and work very well;-)
thank you for the link...the thin copper foil it's a way...pratical way...I never do it...

the problem finaly it's reflow process DIY...
Do some test runs ,only to discover that ain't so much of a problem...

I'm interested the alumina and aluminum nitride heatsink with direct metalizations
WOW! .....You're talkin' some serious stuff here....Aluminium nitride direct metalised heatsink ?
That is going to cost ....

...and other abstract thing....
it's not a simple way...
which spectrum do you suggest to use for Oslon 150g for 7 led round mcpcb?cluster of 4 round engine X 7 led each for now in my mind...I prefer modular...
Spectra ? Hmmm ....Suggestion ? ...Hmmm....

4 x 7 leds ..

1x NW 4500-5000K ( pick your CRI )
3x 660 Hyper red
2x WW 3000 K 80CRI
1x WW 2700 K 95 CRI

All together :

4x NW 4500-5000K ( pick your CRI )
12x 660 Hyper red
8x WW 3000 K 80CRI
4x WW 2700 K 95 CRI

Modular=Guod's Territory & Master of Art
I'm searching square mcpcb for my design...like Astir... for Luxeon Rebel and Oslon mcpcb but it's not simple to find...and after to reflow...

Now,wait a minute .....

Round or square ?
Now,wait a minute .....

Round or square ?

right now the only fast way and praticable way for this type of tecnical solution it's reflow service online on round solution of 7, I prefer square pcb with 12/24 led but nothing finish and mounted for rebel and oslon...
DIY way I suppose...
direct metalizations on ceramic heatsink give the best performance all around...but a serius concept...in cost,quantity,production...
i'm exploring the problem...for the best panel...or best compromise...
Thank you for the spectr...for veg and flow in one panel...is in the test-list...perfect....
I have see the Guod's work...a master-pro...like you...
modular,minimal,simply customize,clear on construction,robust...I imagine something like this...
Guod is an all time classic inspiration source and more than that ,of course ...
Actually ,'my' project is 99% based on Guod's prototypes .
And I had his support all the way ,while designing & building.
If only have listened to his suggestions about led choice ,more carefully...
Hey, SDS, welcome back. :D

I assume you've seen some of my posts on Violet pump White LED's? I noticed you thought of incorporating near UV LED's in your ratio. You can get Violet pump, 95 CRI, 95 R9, 2700K's which innately have nUV (Violet chip emission peak is typically 405nm). Also, because they use Blue phosphor they have VERY wide Blue band coverage. Beautiful upward slope from 420nm-500nm.


Bit too much near UV for me. I might mix these in with other Blue pump White's to try and sand that 405nm spike down.
Hey, SDS, welcome back. :D

I assume you've seen some of my posts on Violet pump White LED's? I noticed you thought of incorporating near UV LED's in your ratio. You can get Violet pump, 95 CRI, 95 R9, 2700K's which innately have nUV (Violet chip emission peak is typically 405nm). Also, because they use Blue phosphor they have VERY wide Blue band coverage. Beautiful upward slope from 420nm-500nm.

View attachment 2877147

Bit too much near UV for me. I might mix these in with other Blue pump White's to try and sand that 405nm spike down.

Yes ,brother Bumping Spheda .I've read all your info about those (really interesting ,I should note ) leds .
Big bravo ,for the find .
I'll keep an eye,definately,on those leds ...