Outdoor 2009 Backyard Giants


Well-Known Member
good god i just got a boner lmao those are some fucking monsters and i wish i could see those in person!!!!!! they look amazing!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well I slacked off for a week on my updates. So I decided to make mega bud update. Two more weeks will put the potted plants at 8 weeks. They are 6 weeks right now. I will start the flush soon. The plants in the ground got about 4 weeks left. The ground plants are now starting to put on some meat. it's looking like this grow is going to yield beyond my wildest dreams. For reals!!!!

Notice that there is not a single yellow leaf on the plant that are in the ground!

enjoy the update.



Well-Known Member
have you had any issues with bud rot or mold now that its getting to the wetter season? I dig those visqueen covers.
No Sir.

This is my first year growing in my own backyard and first time with this strain. My thinking is keep them covered and dry will stop all the mold or rot. I have an industrial size fan that blows on them during the day. A few blowers and a house fan out there. I planted them way to close so I really wanted to keep them dry with extra air. Thats 3 large plants growing into each other. I could see that being a mold nightmare if I did nothing.

I also spray with BT once a week. I have not seen any type of bugs at all. I do see knats stuck to some of my buds though.


Well-Known Member
Helluva job! I learned a spacing lesson this year too.. these things really need a lot of room to spread those long arms out when they get heavy with buds!


Well-Known Member
Okay I am really stoned and was looking at this pic.

Look at the white tarp that is the the right on the photo. In the wrenkels of the tarp do you see a person/woman?

I don't know man I am baked and it looks like Jesus. I see hair and everything. I see a headband and flying hair. Just trippy. Somebody tell me they see it to please. I see part of the corn as the hair on an angel or something.




Well-Known Member
Okay I wanted to get some real time size in this update. I am in most of the pics. Can you find 5150?
Here you can see me standing and sitting. I am 6'2 270lbs. This plant here is 12 feet tall and close to 10 feet wide. It was tied over two times also.

This is the same plant but of the other side.

Hard to get the top of the plant in this angle

I been saying all along in this thread that this plant is much bigger than it looks. She is really a fatty.

Again hard to get the whole plant with these angles.

Here is the potted plants. They hide my fat ass pretty good.

Okay now for the Grand Moma. This plant will not stop growing. The pics do not do it justice. It would take about 5 to 6 men arm to arm to go to fence to fence. Some say this plant will only be 1 pound? I have no clue what she will give up. But I am think 4 to 5 lbs now. who knows?

Here is another shot. remember there is till 6 feet of this plant you cannot see from these angles.

Here is the other side.

Here are some more bud shots.



Well-Known Member
simply amazing!!! I have been following this almost from the beginning, but forget if you mentioned this was a medical grow or not...You have some very healthy looking plants my friend, and I would say unless you plan on cooking with all that sweet ganja you will be set for at least a year. I wish I could get as much sun as you guys...one day.....peace-Boulder