outdoor drying location barn or closet?


Well-Known Member
Hey i have two places I'm thinking of drying my buds, One is my barn the other is a closet in my house. I really cant have my house stinking like buds so i want to avoid the closet if i can, or will putting the buds in bags in the closet with a fan in there or something keep the smell to a minimum. Also, as for the barn, its going to be around October when the buds are harvested and hung so will a top level of a barn be too cold? Maybe some bags boxes space heater? i dunno whats more practical guys?


Well-Known Member
should work fine in the barn as long as it doesn't rain alot. cooler weather is better for nice slow dry, will taste better n be smoother....peace


Well-Known Member
which ever one has the temp and less humidity choose.

Last year I hung outside near my back door has no direct sun yet still heats up during the day to over 90
took me about 7-10 days to dry to the way I like.


Well-Known Member
I was debating using my hay loft or my spare bedroom. I guess it will ultimately depend on how much yield I get.


Well-Known Member
I hung mine in a dark room inside my barn..It was dark and fairly cool. The bud took two weeks to dry, cured for a month. Every one tried it loved the taste! I'll be doing the same next year.


Well-Known Member
Hey i have two places I'm thinking of drying my buds, One is my barn the other is a closet in my house. I really cant have my house stinking like buds so i want to avoid the closet if i can, or will putting the buds in bags in the closet with a fan in there or something keep the smell to a minimum. Also, as for the barn, its going to be around October when the buds are harvested and hung so will a top level of a barn be too cold? Maybe some bags boxes space heater? i dunno whats more practical guys?
i have used a big tent with racks in it and colemen camping heater and battery operated fans and even if it rains the heaters and fans keep it real good and had no mold problems


Well-Known Member
i used a shed for 2 reasons, good amount of room and oder i had some in the house in a dry box and it stunk the whole house up


Active Member
Here's the perfect system I use. You can do it in the house if you tolerate the smell for a week. Set up a system of fans in a closed room so that the air circulates. Also this way no pathogens or bugs will get in. Purchase and set up a really good dehumidifier (I spent $300 on mine). But only empty out the water ONCE a day. You do not want to dry them too quickly. In 7-10 days, your weed will be perfectly dry and can be stored for MANY months - and the quality will be great. Speaking from my experience here. Buy water-resistant and moisture-resistant clear plastic bags with a seal on them, put your weed in there and store it. I had mine stored for a year. I just trimmed it gradually and put it in sealed glass jars. No loss in smell and it cured perfectly.