Outdoor Grow -Season _1


Active Member
If I were you I would add another phosphorus source, like the Indonesian bat guano I mentioned above. It contains the highest level of phosphorous of any of the guanos, and it's instantly available to the plant.
When say another source of phosphorus , if i add a source of it from the kelp fertilizer and from the source of the mollases , dosent that add up
for instance if say the mollases had 5 phosphorus and the kelp had 5 , then in total there should be 10% ?
And since what i am using is natural and organic , wouldnt those be instantly avaiable also ?

I just dont want to buy something that i have .

But if you recommend i do i shall go for it.
I want to take greatest measures to make my plants happy.

I take care of them and they will take care of me.

Is 2 pounds of bat guano a lot ? ( how long shall that last me)

Do i just apply it to the top like a mulch sorta , or do i mix it with water and make a sort of tea ?

and what is too mutch ?

I would hate to be growing all this time and just when its ready i give it too mutch ?

I read somewhere you can not overfeed with organic/natural products ?


Well-Known Member
You can apply the guano in tea form. Just mix it 2-3 Tbsp. per gallon of water and use it like that.
The kelp and mollases are more for potassium than they are phosphorous (The k in the npk). I wouldent say that you can't overfeed with organics, it's just alot harder to do. It is possible, especially with a guano that has 12% instantly available phosphorous.


Active Member
what a coincedence , i got all my nutes and bags and dirt and.... today , Exept for my seeds :P

Just a little longer and i will have another grow log , hopefully they come soon , cause my time frame is already up , but i can squeeze it in still.

I just wanted to show you guys my new line of nutes .

I will be updating pics of my grow next week , and that update is when i will start feeding my plants with my nutes.

if any1 wants to comment or help out , by all means please do so.

Thank YouDSCF0302.jpgDSCF0298.jpgDSCF0297.jpgView attachment 1035316


Active Member
So i decided to go my garden today , even tho its been raining the last 2 days + tomorrow, i took my guano with me and just added a top layer to one of the plants.
I spilled the rest that i brought with me right next to the frst patch , o well , at least i can compare the differences , i figure i wont give any guano to the first one untill it starts budding , and the second one will get a guano tea nexxt time i go and see how its doing , along with kelp ,mollases, amino.......

The plants have goten a lot bigger , they are probably a bit over 2 feet by now , maybe 2 1/2 , hard to tell since the plant starts in the hole few inches below my feet.
I will have to bring something one day to compare it side by side.
But if you been folowing threw the grow log of mine , then you will see how mutch it has grown.

I came to the conculsion that , well actually i knew this from when i started , that the clones were not in the best of healthy when i had goten them , there nutrients werent given to them properly , and 2 out of the 4 clones that i had planted in my patches were stunted , while the other 2 i guess were from a more healthy plant.

Anways , all 4 plants are doing well , 2 are doing fantastic , there is no budding just yet , the branches have been growing uneavinly for a few weeks now , showing maturity.

Not exactly sure when flowering time will come , but im happy for it to get bigger and bigger , since i havent smoked in about 2--3 months , and i dont have time to travel to get some free weed.

Here are some pictures , feel free to leave some feedback , comments , opinions ,.......

Thank YouDSCF0309.jpgDSCF0312.jpgDSCF0308.jpgDSCF0311.jpgDSCF0303.jpgDSCF0306.jpgDSCF0305.jpgDSCF0307.jpgDSCF0304.jpgDSCF0310.jpg



Active Member
By the looks of my pictures , those side branches, dont look like they can support any big buds , what do you think ?

Also the nodes are pretty far enough apart so i cant expect big buds from side branches ?

Has any1 grown master kush ?

Tell me what you think of my Miss ?


Active Member
whats with the random pic of pruning shears lol

everything looks good to me btw
Thanks , the pruning shears are for my rose garden , and the extra trimmers are sping laded and are verry comftorable , i will be using to trim by buds.


By the looks of my pictures , those side branches, dont look like they can support any big buds , what do you think ?

Also the nodes are pretty far enough apart so i cant expect big buds from side branches ?

Has any1 grown master kush ?

Tell me what you think of my Miss ?


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking really good GC, keep it up and you are going to be rewarded soon with some nice sticky buds. Those side branches will thicken up soon and be able to hold they're own. Mother Nature will take care of ya...


Active Member
Thats i hope so , I just feed them a gallon each , with 1 tablespoons of mollases, seaweed/kelp , fish , fulvi acid , humic acid , amino acids , and one of the gallons had 3 tablespoons of bat guano.
Seems kinda like a strong feeding , i hope they drink it all , and dont burn or anything on me.
I would hate for somethign wrong to happen now.
But the plants are pretty big , that is a 2 foot hole , it just drizzled a bit , and well if i did overfeed it it will get washed to the bottom , or i hope it dosent rain to strong tonight, im getting 2 days of sunlight after wards , and hopfully the report was wrong and it will be sunny longer , either way , i hope i did the right thing.
I brought my 2 auto ryders to the scene so , welcome , they are best friends , one is blue mystic and the other is bubblicious , both femenized , and from nirvana .
They are growing in 2 gallon bags , with pro mix , with mrco fungi , and lightl waterd a day advance with kelp , and fulic,humic , water, to make it alive.
I Also been bending the plant slightly , so more light gets to the side braches , and the plant right byside of it , cause there are 2 plants in there, look closely :)
I atached a picture , but i also took a clear garbage bag and put it over , to protect it from bugs and animals , i know even witha cage , a sprout wont survive a bug , so i will keep the bag over it for about 2-3 weeks., i did leave a small opening , for fresh air.
Wish me luck



Active Member
O and this is a treat i get along the way , , and i wont be updating after this post , for 2-4 weeks , so that we can compare its growth .
And to make it more amazing.


Active Member
My plants are doing fine , i bend one branch a bit more , the new branches are getting more light now and they will all reach together ,hopefully this will encourage the side branches to get thicker and biger.
My plants are just happy with the 1 gallon of nutes i gave them , all are showing signs of healther growth.
I will feed them next week with half a gallon only , and not as strong.
And i most likely wont update for a few weeks


Well-Known Member
Everything looks to be right on track for a great harvest in a few months GC.
Ya, it's a little harder to overdo it with organics...


Active Member
Ok , so its been a while , i was actually going to w8 longer , but for some reason i chose today to go and actually share again.

I would like to say , that patch #1 that had the regular non femenized bag seeds turned out to have 6 males that i removed , leaving only 2 indica females.

Patch #2 had the 2 master kush plants , doing all good , showing strong signs of life , stems have thickened a lot , weather this be due to the bending of the top to encourage more side branching or from the nutrients or the cold weather. (If you got a answer to the above question please reply)

Patch #3 had 2 master kush plants also , and showed even stronger and bigger growth then the other patch.

I am Hapy to say that all plants are showing pistils , another week or 2 and i can officialy say they are flowering .

I been feeding them my new nutrients , for about 6 weeks id say.
once a week , this week 2, All Organic.

I would also ask for assistance .

This was a special treat , instead of taking pictures , i took videos , unfortunatelly , i dont know if i should host it on youtube , or if there is a safer alternative ?


Active Member
Ok so i uploaded it somwhere , hopefully everyone can enjoy learn respect the plant.
And wish me luck.






Active Member
I love getting - 0 love - 0 positivity - 0 feedback .

I think this whole grow log as only goten 2 people to comment and talk.

no1 likes me :P =D


Well-Known Member
hey man i didnt watch the vids but keep rockin lol

your the one getting the free smoke! not us haha


Well-Known Member
Hey GC, sorry for not commenting much but due to a change in living arrangements I havent been able to get on the internet as much as i'd like to. I watched the videos and things are really looking great! Your grow looks alot like mine, even down to the green chicken wire;-) Not much longer and we will find ourselves with some fresh sticky buds in one hand and some pruning scissors in the other! Harvest time is the time to reflect on all the hard work and dedication that brought us up to that point, Then get blazed:bigjoint:
As for your stems getting thicker, mine did the same thing recently. Maby it is just the plant knowing that it needs to be able to support the extra weight of the coming buds.
After pulling the last of my males I officially have 9 females to take into harvest, 2 Nirvana Pure Power Plant, 3 Mandala 8 Miles High, 1 Nirvana White Widow, 1 Nirvana Bubbilicious and 2 KC Brains Brains Choice. Overall im pleased with the way things have gone so far with this grow.
Good luck to ya bro...


Active Member
Hello , today i went to the sites and all plants were starting to show more hairs.
The indica plants had more hairs then the mk .
Temperatures out here are coool , this weeks been rainy , hopeing theses plants get thru allright .

I dont wana go there as often now , since t will start smelling more soon.
i will prob go there in 2 weeks and apply a layer of guano , and feeed its roots.

Let me know what you think ?


