outdoor help


New Member
Hey guys, this is my first time growing a outdoor crop on my own, Ive been part of a operation before but this is my first time doing it alone, i was just wondering what you prefer when it comes to soil, nutes, ect for outdoors. Any help and suggestion would be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
Hey! Depends how much plants your growing,, if just a few ( anything under 20). You should buy good soil ( fox farm, pro mix , wtv ). And buy some soilless nutrients , if your getting in to bigger numbers you should consider making your own soil, it's cheap and works great, find a companie that sells stuff for landscaping and or gardening, I'm talking the places where you drive up with a truck and they use tractors to load various soils,
Your looking for peat and compost ,,, I use 2parts composted pine bark 1part peat, I add powdered lime and control released fertilizer,, Works great and very cheap