Outlaw's Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
This is my first Journal.....I have sucessfully completed a first time, 12 plant indoor grow this past winter. I have also constructed several DWC Bubbleponics units that are in use. DWC is amazing! They are super cheap and easy to build, alot faster, bigger gains with the plant and seems to be pretty worry free. For indoor growing, DWC is the way to go in my opinion.

I have now started 150 plants that I am going to transplant outside.I have these transplanted into medium sized ,drainable, styrofoam cups. I've been reading everything I can on gorilla/outdoor growing that I can. I've also been gathering the necessary equipment that I feel I need to complete the operation....
Over the past couple of weeks I've gone to Wal-Mart and purchased a few odds and ends thing.
  • Rubbermaid 20 gallon storage tote to transport 25 plants ($4.50)
  • Machette to cut and clear paths through thick briars ($15)
  • Rechargeable 12V One-Million candlepower spotlight ($15)
  • Mini shovel to dig holes (that's what you do with it) ($7)
  • Garmin handheld GPS unit with memory for 500 locations ($150)
Lastnight I took out the first batch of 25. I straped the Rubbermaid tote with my plants in it to the back rack of my Kawasaki Prarie 4X4 along with all the other items listed above and headed out towards the woods. I tried to keep the locations along the woodline where briars were thick. I chopped a narrow path through them and cleared out the center. When I was done for the night, I had planted all 25 plants in 2 hours in 10 different locations. Now I only have to do that 6 more times. haha. I stored all the locations with the GPS so I don't lose any! I think some are going into the corn fields which will be awsome using the GPS!
I figured out of 150 plants, 75 (1/2) would be female at a guess. Then I figured I should be able to get close to a Q.P. per plant. In the end I hope to have a good crop.
I will try my best to keep things updated as things progress throughout the spring/summer maybe even add some pictures when they really start to grow.

Thats all for now.....~Outlaw~


Well-Known Member
Excellent outdoor grow...nice...wish I could do that here but there isn't many places round here that I could get away with it! Make sure to comment on other peoples threads in the outdoor growing section with a link to your grow journal in your signature, you'll get a lot more responses to your grow from people with lots of experience!


Well-Known Member
I haven't put anymore plants out yet......still vegin' inside.....The chance of potential frost is deminishing each day we move further into the month of May. Farmers Almanc says May 3rd. for what that's worth.....I think each weekend I will put out 25 plants till they are all outside.
I will keep posting as I make progress......
Each planting I plan on checking the previous plants to see how they are doing I think......I don't want any well worn paths though! The last group of plants to go out may be in time for corn-field planting.....Corn is in the ground here now.....waiting for it to pop up and grow a few inches before I attempt field planting. That's all for now! ~Outlaw~


Well-Known Member
Geez I feel like a lazy bumb!!! I started getting sick Thursday evening, by Friday morining I felt terrible but made it the day through the Friday workday..... Went to bed really early.....Awoke Saturday morning for about 3 hours, (just long enough to mow the yard and drink a few cups of coffee) after that I was dead tired......went back to bed around 1pm Sat and slept till 5pm.....went to wal-mart got some tylenol and went back to bed!

Now it's Sunday and raining/blowing like crazy! Rats!

I know I still have plenty of time to get everything out and still be early but I feel disappointed I didn't get anything out this weekend! I need to readjust my schedule now. lol. Feeling much better today, may attempt to get some out during daylight hours if there is a break in the weather for a while.

On another note...had a sucessful first mailorder of seeds from HighGradeSeeds.Com.....Purchased three varieties, White Widow, Northern Lights #5, and AK-47.....total transit from mailing payment to receiving shipment was 9 days! Pretty quick! Germinating two of each variety for some mothers to clone from....hoping for a male out of the bunch to replentish seed supply.


Well-Known Member
Alright, today the rain ended.....I loaded up 18 plants into a large boxy chainsaw case and headed out the railroad tracks on the 4 wheeler..... Still daylight but didn't worry to much. Found several good spots along the brushy woodline next to the RR Tracks. Parked the 4 wheeler on opposite side of the tracks behind some brush (it's cammo anyway lol)

Got the trusty handheld GPS, Mini Shovel, Machette, and Chainsaw case.....found a couple good spots and started planting when I hear some 4 wheelers in the distance.....no biggy! finished planting the 2nd plant when I realize they are coming right towards me through the creek....Yikes!!
I throw the shovel and machette into the brush near me and grab the saw case and duck behind thick limbs of a fallen tree for a second. They keep getting closer and closer so I take off down the bank, sprinting lol, out of the woods to the RR tracks and start walking towards my 4 wheeler. Shewww! The 4 wheelers rip around through the woods for probably 15 minutes and take off.....I listen to them in the distance as they get further and further away.... I don't scare easily but that kinda ruffled my feathers a little! Now that I have my heart rate back under control :spew:I hoof it back along the woodline and plant about 6 more plants (Marking all with GPS).....At this point I have 10 plants left to get in the ground. I back track about 75-100 yards and cross the tracks to a pretty steep hillside (from base to top is probaly 30 feet) that leads up to a farm field. I planted the remaining 10 plants in groups of 2-3 probably over 50-75 yards along the hillside. None of them will be able to be seen by a passing train nor from the farm field unless you walk just over the edge at the top. At a guess I would say the plants could grow 10-12 feet tall before you could see them from the field. Sunlite should be abundant there also (late morning till early evening should allow them full light)....The soil there was awsome! Super rich dark soil but very sandy too! I think it should be ideal! I'll find out soon enough though I guess!

I only have approximately 100 more plants to go lol.....Hope this weekend is nice! Will post more as I make progress!

P.S. My White-Widow, Northern-lights, and AK-47 seeds have all sprouted, just waiting for them to break the surface now......



Well-Known Member
Take care of yourself when you get sick, you don't want it lasting any longer than it absolutely "has" to. Mother Nature will take care of your plants in the meantime.


Well-Known Member
Took a page from your book and devided my plants in sections so i can take out 20 or so each day i have off work.
just got my first batch out today , and came home with a swarm of ticks all over me.
but i think i have an aalright spot for the first batch.
Wish I had a GPS like yourself.lol.
I am going to have to remember all my spots in my head , because my girlfriend will kill me if she finds out i still have pot plants.(she caught me starting my ladies indoors and i had to bring them all to a friends house.Now there backyard is a sea of green and i have to evac from there.)
So no paper trail!
anyways let us know how your travels go on the next run!


Well-Known Member
Ok, took a ride to my first planting to check on them for the 1st time.....it's been approximately 1-1/2 weeks.....
The majority of them appear to be doing well.....didn't grow as much as I had anticipated in my head but it has been cool out this past week. A few of the plant were apparently nibbled on by a groundhog or deer it appears. Bitten off then spit-out it looks like.

The handheld GPS works pretty good, gets you pretty close.....If I had no idea where I was going though I'd be lost trying to use it! I tried the compass feature to try and find a few sites.....man that is confusing! I think it actually tries to get you to follow the identical path you took originally and not just take you to the end location. Good investment all around though I think.

I am leaning more and more towards spuratically planting the majority of my remaining plants in corn fields...? It seems they would receive alot more light throughout the day. I would imagine that a 6 foot opening within the field would sufficent for light....(just thinking you don't want a giant clearing around the plant for arial reasons).

Feel free to give me some ideas or suggestions.....Like everybody else, I want this to be the best grow ever in the history of history! lol


Well-Known Member
update.....all 6 of my seeds from earlier post have broke the surface.....not sure but I will probably put all these in the hydro unit to grow(????) to be used as mothers and/or pollunate. (2-white widow, 2-Northern lights#5, and 2-Ak-47).



Well-Known Member
update.....all 6 of my seeds from earlier post have broke the surface.....not sure but I will probably put all these in the hydro unit to grow(????) to be used as mothers and/or pollunate. (2-white widow, 2-Northern lights#5, and 2-Ak-47).

Lastnight I transplanted the six seedlings into my Aerogarden......I'll wait for them to get some descent roots before I set them into the DWC unit.


Well-Known Member
Well, I didn't get anything else out this weekend.....Slacker! lol Actually, it is pretty cool outside and suppose to be this comming week also. Highs are to be in the upper 50's and lows in the mid-40's....I decided to hold off on putting any more out for now. Memorial day weekend is suppose to be around 70. The bad news is I'm leaving the state for a couple of days but will be back Sunday afternoon and don't have to work Monday either....So my plan is, (Depending on the weather) to double up my load on Sunday night and try to get 40-50 plants out.
I've double check on the most recent planting and they seem to be doing good, However.....the damn creatures (ground hogs, coons, chipmunks, cats) whatever it may be, find some of my plants and dig them up! I think it must be the time release pellets that are in the potting soil I used....that's the only thing I can think of.
I have the last 90 of my plants under a 400w MH outside, in my shed where the light is on at night (18/6) to keep the temp more consistant.....on average it stays 74-85 depending on the outside temp.

Before my grow operation, I made a false wall in the back of my shed which gave me a 4ft by 9.5ft area that I divided in half for two rooms, veg/flower. The shed is 10ft by 16ft so the division is unnoticable unless you were to measure it. My toolbox (on wheels) sits in front of the entrance door which hides it. I drilled a bunch of 1/2 inch holes around the outer areas of the floor for ventilation.....At the peak I cut a 10 inch hole in the back wall and then installed a 10 inch 2 speed fan on a timer (on during the day, off at night). This allows me to draw cooler ground temperature air during the day through the floor and exhaust it at roof level since heat rises which gives more consistant temps. The idea is kinda like geo-thermal cooling I guess. lol
On the outside of the shed where I cut the hole for the fan, I made a fake birdhouse that has no bottom and no backside (3 sided) and placed it over the exhaust hole. This serves several purposes obviously,...it hides the hole, allows the air inside the shed to vent out the bottom of the birdhouse, keeps rain and snow out, and it looks nice too!

I havested one of my two remaining DWC plants on Friday. It was the 1st clone I ever attempted so it was kinda sad to see her go. lol (I have a few more in veg though) I'll probably end up with 1/4 to 1/3 ounce dry weight from it but its good stuff and I only let it get 1 foot tall....I was an experiment. I veg'd it for only 1 week after it rooted and then put it under 12/12 light. It started out a pure CFL grow and did well but then for some reason I decided to put a 250 HPS on it instead. The CFLs seemed to make it grow so much quicker it seemed but I don't know for sure!

Anyway, maybe if I'm ambitious this coming Thursday, I'll take a tote of plants out and get them in the ground before I leave state on Friday??? I'll keep updating as I make progress.



Well-Known Member
Ok, Just wanted to add a couple pics I took today....nothing special....but it does exist! lol. The multi plant pic for some reason makes my two clones in the center look yellow. The clones are lite green but looking healthy the rest of them need transplanted but I'm trying to hold off till this weekend/memorial day to see how many I can get out. I'll bury them 1/2 way up the stalk probably. They were all a little stretched to begin with when I planted them, but the stalks are strong now.
The 2nd pic is my last remaining DWC plant...it is filling out nice. Hope it continues. Pic isn't overly good. It's hard to take a good picture with the light pounding down. I'll keep updates coming!


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I finially made it to Wal-Mart and picked up a bottle of the Deodorized Alaskan Fish Emultion labeled as 5-1-1. For being deodorized, that is some nasty, poopy smelling stuff! (gagging...again,...again...):spew: I'm gonna try and dillute it as instructed and see how it smells. At this point with the smell I don't think i would put it on my outdoor plants for the fear of every creature in the county jonining in the effort to dig them up!

Actually I probably will use it at least on some of them just to see how well it works.

Hopefully tonight I will get some more plants out.....Forcast for my area has shot up starting tomorrow......mid 70's all throught the weekend and the same throughout the week......lows in the low 60's! Wow, this is what I've been waiting for! Everything is going to start thriving!