Overwater vs Underwater

fedora bora

Active Member
Well, I am getting a little scared. My first successful plant has drooping branches and leaves now, but the only branches and leaves that are drooping are the ones the are long and protrude from the main stalk. The big leaves at the top of the plant and the little ones at the base are fine.

Here is a picture:

Sorry for the bad picture, but as you can see, the limbs are drooping. I've been watering the plant when ever the soil feels dry, which is about once a day or once every other day and I have been spraying the foliage about once or twice a day with water. I quite spraying the foliage on Sunday as this is when I fist noticed the limbs start to droop.

Am I overwatering the plant, or am I not watering it enough? If I am watering it fine what else could I have done to make it droop? Thanks for reading and sorry for the noobish question.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
is it light when you pick it up, if so needs water. when you stick your finger in the soil upto the 2nd knuckle is it wet, don'twater.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
The leaves feel light, and the soil isn't moist, but it is not dry either. I'm not real sure what to do here.
no pick up the hole plant pot and all, how light is is. then when you water pick it up again and see how heavy it is,this well give you something to go by. good luck. let it dry a bit more then water.


once a day or every other day is tooooo much watering

The soil should be dry for 2-3" deep before you need to water it again.. Try watering every 3-5 days


Active Member
dont have a real good answer as to why its drooping but i have several plants going now and i have observed this same type of drooping on ocassion. not all plants sometimes one or two. it seems to be the morning after the day i water. they seem to bounce right back right after the lights have been on for a bit.
i would say if they are recovering then you are likely ok.
the plant you have pics of appears to be healthy.
good luck with your grow