Ozone + agar = Yay!


Well-Known Member
I've got a bunch of old plastic dragon jars that can be used as high wall petri dishes. I've been carrying them around for years, along with a bottle of presterilized agar. I also have all the making for my own agar, but I figured I'd try the ready made 1st.

I did not PC the dragon jars. I merely took them out of the ziploc bag they were in, placed them in my ozone filled glove wall, and waited. I opened up all the jars, and let them sit, along with their lids layed down, turned up.

The arm holes of this chamber are NOT sealed. They have flaps. I use thin short surgical gloves for reach-ins, but I doubt that is even required.

The next day I boiled the agar jar, and put it in the chamber, and let it sit for 10 minutes. I opened it up, and I poured.

I left all the dragon jars open for about 10 minutes to steam off. With air puffing around the arm holes, inches away and overhead.

I then reached in and put the non-airtight lids on.

They steamed up anyway.

I let them sit for a day.

None showed any growth. Yay (early, but I'll take what I can get).

I harvested 4 large (but overripe, and droopy) PEs. I dropped a bit of the stem in a jar of h2o2. I let it sit for a day (waiting for agar to cool).

Today I ripped those stems apart with a blunt scalpel and gloved hands, and dropped a chunk in 18 jars, 4 apiece for most of them.

Will it work? I dunno. But I like the ability to maintain and even create sterility in jars merely by placing them into the workspace.