Pandemic Canada 2020 - The response, the issues and problems


Well-Known Member
No problem Dudley, look at the video, it's worth your time. One of the problems with this bug is it apparently shuts down the immune system in the initial stages and this is covered in a few of the videos as the evidence for this mounts. I thought hot cold was pseudoscience, until I looked at the evidence for it, but it appears it might give guys like us an edge. Study how to do it safely, if ya wanna try it, the risks are similar to exercise, use your hot tub to stay healthy, you may even be doing that now while getting some R&R.
Sweat it out? Isn't that an old trick?


Well-Known Member
Sweat it out? Isn't that an old trick?
Yep, before the age of antibiotics this was much more popular, in a way we have reverted to that world. I find the idea compelling and supported by an evidence base, it costs nothing to implement and the risks are similar to exercise, there are a ton of videos and articles on how to do it safely and best practices etc. Seems to work like exercise and works better with it too, meditation lowers cortisol levels as well and may also aid in the effect, it too has a salutary effect on immune response (stress lowers immune response).


Well-Known Member
Yep, before the age of antibiotics this was much more popular, in a way we have reverted to that world. I find the idea compelling and supported by an evidence base, it costs nothing to implement and the risks are similar to exercise, there are a ton of videos and articles on how to do it safely and best practices etc. Seems to work like exercise and works better with it too, meditation lowers cortisol levels as well and may also aid in the effect, it too has a salutary effect on immune response (stress lowers immune response).
Yeah, it seems I've read about a study on saunas and heart disease.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it seems I've read about a study on saunas and heart disease.
There are risks to anything, even exercise and there are stupid ways to exercise and smart ones. If I had a heart condition I'd run the idea by my doctor first, a heart attack will kill you just as well as covid-19, though the risks are probably much less for hot cold or just hot. This is controlled stress, just like exercise, we apply a controlled stress and the body reacts by becoming stronger, it apparently works that way for the innate immune system too, that's the theory anyway.


Well-Known Member
Jesus I get shit for posting evidence based stuff (and this is good info)! People are gonna say yer trying to kill people by posting this! I like it though, but I'd be reluctant to tout it as a preventative for the big one! :D

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
My bad the links to a couple of papers (abstracts) are in the public health thread, not this one, but some of the best ones are in the Youtube description. He does a pretty good job a summarizing and describing the info in the video, it was posted 2 weeks ago, but it seems a lot longer because things are moving so fast as a lot of researchers are focused on this now. This site is a medical science site, mostly for professional consumption, but accessible to the public, I usually watch them (nerd entertainment) and if there is anything of significance I'll post the video, but it's mostly pretty technical and made for doctors and med students. I don't do links from sauna or hot tub makers, just neutral science people without an agenda or an axe to grind.
I honestly didn’t find anything that was of any validity in my limited google search. I’ll keep looking as I am curious but nope I won’t be doing it lol. I keep my tub at 100 and don’t really want to jump in a cold shower after :(. Type O blood so I’m good ;).


Well-Known Member
Jesus I get shit for posting evidence based stuff (and this is good info)! People are gonna say yer trying to kill people by posting this! I like it though, but I'd be reluctant to tout it as a preventative for the big one! :D
Right, let's face it, people are dumb. The second somebody reads this they will immediately assume they can eat as many hamberders as they want as long as they take a sauna, wew. Interesting though that the incidents related to sudden cardiac death and saunas were alcohol related. The fins drink like fish, btw.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Jesus I get shit for posting evidence based stuff (and this is good info)! People are gonna say yer trying to kill people by posting this! I like it though, but I'd be reluctant to tout it as a preventative for the big one! :D
Saunas are a great way to stay semi clean when at a outpost camp ....... that’s my extent of knowledge as I’ve built a couple on my adventures up north.


Well-Known Member
I honestly didn’t find anything that was of any validity in my limited google search. I’ll keep looking as I am curious but nope I won’t be doing it lol. I keep my tub at 100 and don’t really want to jump in a cold shower after :(. Type O blood so I’m good ;).
Yeah screw that polar bear club stuff. Type o, that's f*ing cold!


Well-Known Member
I honestly didn’t find anything that was of any validity in my limited google search. I’ll keep looking as I am curious but nope I won’t be doing it lol. I keep my tub at 100 and don’t really want to jump in a cold shower after :(. Type O blood so I’m good ;).
Sounds like yer doing ok as it is, have a look at the video when ya get a chance, this does not need to be unpleasant. I'm considering rigging up a sauna in the basement with a timer to shut it down, I mediate for a half hour most days anyway and doing it in a hot box should be no problem at all, the countdown timer is for safety, incase I pass out. After a sweat, a shower, but before both, a run on the exercise bike, that's my plan.


Well-Known Member
Saunas are a great way to stay semi clean when at a outpost camp ....... that’s my extent of knowledge as I’ve built a couple on my adventures up north.
We have a local method pioneered by the early hippies in my county Wich consists of an old water heater tank converted into a boiler so to speak. Most laid sideways over a fire pit. They take a while to heat but work well. Another popular one was to build a fire under an old cast iron tub. Some of the kids with trust funds built nicer ones with enclosed fire boxes, stainless tubs, one guy even put one on a trailer.


Well-Known Member
Saunas are a great way to stay semi clean when at a outpost camp ....... that’s my extent of knowledge as I’ve built a couple on my adventures up north.
Sweat lodges are popular with some natives as I recall from my days in the Peg, a big part of traditional culture for some peoples.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like yer doing ok as it is, have a look at the video when ya get a chance, this does not need to be unpleasant. I'm considering rigging up a sauna in the basement with a timer to shut it down, I mediate for a half hour most days anyway and doing it in a hot box should be no problem at all, the countdown timer is for safety, incase I pass out. After a sweat, a shower, but before both, a run on the exercise bike, that's my plan.
I built one for a client, the electric heater came with a timer. A gap under the door is also recommended too, if I remember correctly. What an ordeal that was, ugh. Not the building the client. He had at least 30k into it, a near lawsuit from the neighbors, a timber framer from England, who was amazing, but still, and he called off the job twice before we broke ground. Lol. Called him, pull the plug Doug. People are funny, sometimes dealing with them is a harder than the work itself. Some people just want to hang out, it all pays the same.


Well-Known Member
I built one for a client, the electric heater came with a timer. A gap under the door is also recommended too, if I remember correctly. What an ordeal that was, ugh. Not the building the client. He had at least 30k into it, a near lawsuit from the neighbors, a timber framer from England, who was amazing, but still, and he called off the job twice before we broke ground. Lol. Called him, pull the plug Doug. People are funny, sometimes dealing with them is a harder than the work itself. Some people just want to hang out, it all pays the same.
My plan is to take a corner of the basement and make a one man booth, I need to do some thinking on the heat source, but I have a programmable digital thermal controller that's not being used right now, I just need to acquire a simple mechanical countdown timer switch and wire everything in series with the heater, I might have to use a mechanical or electronic relay circuit though, since the heater would probably be around 1000 W. I suppose I could also use a 40C thermal switch and I've got a bunch (yep better and simpler that the digital thing).

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
My plan is to take a corner of the basement and make a one man booth, I need to do some thinking on the heat source, but I have a programmable digital thermal controller that's not being used right now, I just need to acquire a simple mechanical countdown timer switch and wire everything in series with the heater, I might have to use a mechanical or electronic relay circuit though, since the heater would probably be around 1000 W. I suppose I could also use a 40C thermal switch and I've got a bunch (yep better and simpler that the digital thing).
Barbecue lighter (electric) and lava rocks, plastic tarp and a pail of water


Well-Known Member
It's not that we make mistakes, everybody does, its if we recognize them and learn from them that counts. The Canadian government's response was on par with that of most other responsible democracies, but an inquiry will be commissioned to learn the lessons nonetheless. Any such attempt to learn lessons in America would be seen as a conspiracy to get Trump, just like the "democratic virus hoax"
Documents reveal Canada’s slow initial reaction to COVID-19


Well-Known Member
It's not that we make mistakes, everybody does, its if we recognize them and learn from them that counts. The Canadian government's response was on par with that of most other responsible democracies, but an inquiry will be commissioned to learn the lessons nonetheless. Any such attempt to learn lessons in America would be seen as a conspiracy to get Trump, just like the "democratic virus hoax"
Documents reveal Canada’s slow initial reaction to COVID-19
You are right about this.

Canada's objective review of what happened will be conducted in an effort to improve readiness for the next time this happens. When (if) the US conducts inquiries, any and all findings will be treated by Republicans as an attack on 'murrica, Trump and Republicans in general.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
You are right about this.

Canada's objective review of what happened will be conducted in an effort to improve readiness for the next time this happens. When (if) the US conducts inquiries, any and all findings will be treated by Republicans as an attack on 'murrica, Trump and Republicans in general.
Yes it’s sad that it has come to reflect a huge divide between what is good about people and what is a distorted view of good. But as we have been told, there are good people on both sides........ cough.