well im thinking of first trying the coffee machine method,
gonna buy a real cheap coffee machine and brew it through like 6 pods maybe for 2 runs,
then ima shake the drink real well and split into 6 equal parts
then i will bamboozle my nieghbor into dosing one pod at a time with me like every 1/2 to 1 hr until desired effect is achieved
next on a weekend i will try the method where you just grind up the pods to dust ad wash them down with grapfruit juice
they say this takes longer to kick in but also lasts much longer
then ima try to make that goop people talk about
i think i ordered like 70 pods
the coffee maker method sucked. i didn't like it. dude 70 pods is a fuck ton.
i brought a pot of water to a boil and let it drop just bellow the boil and then added my ground or i just smashed them to them mix and let it sit for 2 hours i mixed occasionally and then strain. make sure to squeez your goods to get it all out.
to make the puddy i just added six pods smashed seeds stems and all to a pot of water and let simmer like i said above. then strain in an 8x8 pan put in the oven at 170f until its just goo. this takes a while. i boiled the remains twice and kept adding to the batch in the oven to make sure i got it all and it took like 2 or 3 days because of this but i got roughly 15g of goo from six pods. i think it probably still has some water content in it though. i would put pictures up but no camera.
you can smoke it ok. better just to put in capsules. i found it easiest to smoke if you spread it really thin on a glass pan and put it in the oven at 170 till it gets nice and crispy and stuck to the pan. then scrape till you get little flakes and just put those flakes on top of a bowl pack. really nice and doesn't take much at all for quite the nice nap.
i had to take a break though i was smoking the shit out of it for a couple of days and started to get lost. just be careful man 70 pods is a lot. all i want to do is smoke some of that shit right now and get really comfortable under my covers and listen to some dead with my lights off but i'm not gonna let myself. i have had some serious addictions before just don't let yourself go there is all i'm trying to say. know when to stop. not trying to lecture or anything. just offering a word of advice.