pc case hydro bagseed root problem


Well-Known Member
From the pic i'd say you do not have the brown slime algae. Root rot can look just like it. You will know after you sterilize everything. If it's plain old root rot, low res temps, sterilizing agent, and oxgenated water will show a real improvement. You shouldn't suspect the hydro herpes (brown slime) unless it comes right back. It will start off as clear snot, with no odor, and your PH will rise. Regular old root rot smells bad, and makes your PH drop. Your probably ok though.

I see your plants are on 12/12. Plants don't produce many roots after a couple weeks in flower, so you may not want to do everything I suggest below. Its more for plants in veg. You want to keep every last healthy root you can. If I were you I would probably flush as best I could and take my chances with h202/dutch master zone, rather than trying to get every last dead root out and scrubbing all my equipment. But it depends on how hard it would be for you to scrub everything, and how much the harvest means to you I guess.

To clean the roots you can take them out and hold them over the sink, and spray them directly with 3% peroxide. Spray hard and be rough, try to get the dead stuff to slough off. Then spray them with the sink hose, cool water, and gently pull at any effected roots. If they are sick they should fall off fairly easy.

You will need to sterilize your air stones, air line, buckets, netpots, ph tester, anything that has touched the water. If it was plain old root rot you should see new roots anywhere from 24hrs to a week. The old roots tend to not regenerate themselves.

You can test to see if it's the slime if you want. Save some of your current res water and put it in a dish or bucket. Keep it cool, run an air stone in it, and give it a tiny bit of molasses. If it is the slime it will explode in under 24 hrs and cake the airstone. What makes me doubtful you got slimed is that your root zone looks pretty developed and the plants were healthy. The slime almost never attacks a strong healthy plant, in my experience. It goes after the sick and the young. Pythium also likes sick and young, but will set in anywhere the conditions are right.


Well-Known Member
alright this is what i did

used 3% h202 watered it down a tad and sprayed the roots directy them sterilized the rex and everything. soaked the roots in a stronger h202 solution. then sprayed off roots with sink hose. alot i mean alot of the roots have turned white. i refilled the res with distilled water with 5ml of h202 ph'd to 5.8 will keep yall posted if the problem persists.


Petey McEnroe

Well-Known Member
if the H2O2 dont work, try an get your hands on a bottle of zone by dutch master. when i did the whole pc DWC that stuff saved my life. also if your res is warm, you can cool it off by puttin a frozen water bottle in it.

Petey McEnroe

Well-Known Member
how long it will last is dependant on how hot your rez is.

the ice wont hurt it at all. it will acually help it out a bunch.


Well-Known Member
how long does the frozen bottle last and does the ice touching the roots not hurt them?
Once the res gets cool the bottles last longer, but i've had times when I have to replace the bottle every half hour. It's best to use bottles that do not have a glued on label. Tie some string around the bottle in case it gets away from you in the res. I like to mist the outside of the bottles with h2o2 before I toss them in, so i'm not introducing more bacteria. Anything over 68 seems to encourage bacteria growth, under 62 retards root growth. It has been observed that roots directly touching the ice for long periods sometimes get stalled, but a bottle floating on the side out of the way wont hurt them at all. Dutch Master Zone will let you get away with slightly higher res temps; I gave up the ice after I started using it.


Well-Known Member
nice mazar man.

thanks for the ice and dutch info. will get some tomorrow.

i just changed the res out again soaked the roots in 3% H202 MIXTURE dang caps lol. washed out all brown stuff and sterilized the res again. i am waiting for a quart size bottle to freeze. in the mean time i have a zip lock bag full of ice in there with it. my res is about the size of a shoe box. so not alot of room to work with. will keep yall updated.
