People with higher IQs are less likely to believe in God, according to a new study.


Active Member
i can prove god does not exist

the simple fact that there are hundreds of religions in this world and only one can be right, means that 99.99999% of all the other religions are wrong and that 99.9999999% of religous people are actually praying to nothing!

i take it a step further and say if there's gonna be so many religions out there who insist they are right when we know by default that 99.9999% of them are wrong, then you can surmize that actually 100% of them are wrong

and there bees no god.:peace:

chew on that for a moment and tell me what you come up withbongsmilie

just because a some people write down a list of thing that god wants them to do an live by those gudelines to further feel closer to the one they worship and there differnt then the thousands of groups that do the same isnt sufficent evidence to prove that god doesnt exisit you might have prove religin is fake if thats what you were aiming for kudos to you but there are also things that are connected thoughout religns so maybe some parts are right and some are wroung or none are right. but uve smoked weed before so im guessing you feel that being stoned is to great to be only a chemical reaction inside you body there has to be more to it then that the only way i can truly decribe it is a religous experence or a divine feeling or i could be complely wroung who the fuck really knows

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
my beliefs are somewhat similar to what einstein felt. as far as mainstream religions buddhism doesnt bother me like the more persecuting religions. i guess you could say i just really take offence to the faiths that try to convert people and or persecute/kill them for living there own lives most religions live and let die/kill as opposed to live and let live. peace


Well-Known Member
Still waiting Micro.....

out. :blsmoke:
ROFLLLLLLLLLLMAO@ people with higher IQ's don't believe in God. I'm not telling my'd all accuse me of lying. <<<big cheesy grin>>> Of course Einstein QUESTIONED God's "thoughts."
Pure sign of genius. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Precisely Cracker.....BINGO!!!
It has always been explained to me that IQ is a test of one's ability to be LOGICAL, no matter the education level. Foundational knowledge is usually not the hinge point of an IQ test. It is the ability to reason. This is why people with higher IQ's doubt the existence of G*D, and certainly any man based religions. Not surprising at all. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Explain how an omnipotent G*D has no choice......

out. :blsmoke:
He does have choice. It's just that before Christ, people were very wicked. They would not stop sinning, they wanted him out of their lives. People were warned that he was not pleased, but they didn't care. They were too busy worshiping golden statues and screwing everything that has a hole.

He had to chose whether to wipe us all out forever, or let us live and give us another chance.

We're still alive, so I guess that means he does care. But as the bible says, the Evil One controls the earth. We were given a second chance, but in a very dark and corrupt world.


New Member
Since the Bible is not historically accurate, why do you quote it as such? You have piqued my curiosity.

By the way, you contradicted yourself. Choice, no choice...which is it?

So a G*D with infinite choice has already predetermined every outcome? Sounds a bit anal, no? Improbable?

out. :blsmoke:

Big P

Well-Known Member
He does have choice. It's just that before Christ, people were very wicked. They would not stop sinning, they wanted him out of their lives. People were warned that he was not pleased, but they didn't care. They were too busy worshiping golden statues and screwing everything that has a hole.

He had to chose whether to wipe us all out forever, or let us live and give us another chance.

We're still alive, so I guess that means he does care. But as the bible says, the Evil One controls the earth. We were given a second chance, but in a very dark and corrupt world.

my freind if god was truely all powerful he could just snap his fingers and make everything cool and perfect

the fact that he does not can either mean he has the power but will not use it to make us happy

or its means he really doesnt have all the power after all

either way he cant be god if either those things are true.

cuz if i had the power to save your sisters life for example I would do it, or I would be cruel if I did not

if I didnt have the power to save her, I would not be god

so the simple fact thar there is suffering in this world can only be because of one of the following 3 reason, god it either:

1) cruel

2) Not all powerful

3) simply a figment of imagination



Well-Known Member
my freind if god was truely all powerful he could just snap his fingers and make everything cool and perfect

the fact that he does not can either mean he has the power but will not use it to make us happy

or its means he really doesnt have all the power after all

either way he cant be god if either those things are true.

cuz if i had the power to save your sisters life for example I would do it, or I would be cruel if I did not

if I didnt have the power to save her, I would not be god

so the simple fact thar there is suffering in this world can only be because of one of the following 3 reason, god it either:

1) cruel

2) Not all powerful

3) simply a figment of imagination
Look I can't prove anything to you. All I can say is that he wants YOU to come to HIM, not him finding you. He knows where you are, he's just waiting for you to acknowledge him.

Life is the ultimate test, good luck with it. All religions say be kind and loving to one another. I think that is one thing we can all agree with.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Look I can't prove anything to you. All I can say is that he wants YOU to come to HIM, not him finding you. He knows where you are, he's just waiting for you to acknowledge him.

Life is the ultimate test, good luck with it. All religions say be kind and loving to one another. I think that is one thing we can all agree with.

i smoke one in your honor sirbongsmilie


Active Member
My IQ as last messuered after a critical head injury sustained in a car accident was 138. I belive God and religon in general is a flawed human reaction to explain the unexplainabe, feel protected in times of weakness, and in control when things are beyond are scope of manipulation.

After 8 years of incarceration, a major car accident that should have killed you, and the loss of a 60k a year job...........One of three things will happpen to cope with life changes
You will develope schizophrenia to pretend it never happened, or
You will develope a belief in God to assume the roll of a mental crutch so people call you religious instead of crazy or,
You will learn to grow Pot and supplement your income.
If its the latter like me you got a sweet story like
" Yes judge I'm an addict in need of treatment."
"That was a very large grow op for an addiction any comments?"
"Yes your honor thats a result of my poor perception skills from a closed head injury. 30 plants seemed like a safe bet for a personal stash.
And I only grew it myself instead of buying it because I come from a poor unprivliged family thats left me with a lack of skill sets and poor reasoning abilities."

Sorry but in my opinion it sounds better then
"I grew em to hide from the killer coffee beans that escaped the governments mind control facility."
or the classic
"God made me do it":fire:


Active Member
My IQ as last messuered after a critical head injury sustained in a car accident was 138. I belive God and religon in general is a flawed human reaction to explain the unexplainabe, feel protected in times of weakness, and in control when things are beyond are scope of manipulation.

After 8 years of incarceration, a major car accident that should have killed you, and the loss of a 60k a year job...........One of three things will happpen to cope with life changes
You will develope schizophrenia to pretend it never happened, or
You will develope a belief in God to assume the roll of a mental crutch so people call you religious instead of crazy or,
You will learn to grow Pot and supplement your income.
If its the latter like me you got a sweet story like
" Yes judge I'm an addict in need of treatment."
"That was a very large grow op for an addiction any comments?"
"Yes your honor thats a result of my poor perception skills from a closed head injury. 30 plants seemed like a safe bet for a personal stash.
And I only grew it myself instead of buying it because I come from a poor unprivliged family thats left me with a lack of skill sets and poor reasoning abilities."

Sorry but in my opinion it sounds better then
"I grew em to hide from the killer coffee beans that escaped the governments mind control facility."
or the classic
"God made me do it":fire:
So do you actually believe or is it just a ploy?


Active Member
So do you actually believe or is it just a ploy?
I think I stated my view quite clearly, I belive in what I wrote. Simply put religon is for the feeble minded who seek an explanation for that which they don't understand. I do not consider myself feeble minded and can except things that I may not comprehend. All things happen out of a series of choices that lead to an unfolding of consequences made by those decisions. The only one who can give a reason or explanation for those choices is the one who made the decision. So I guess if you wanted to grossly misinterpret my belief system you could call me a polytheist that believes everything is its own divine being.
(The quoted part of my previous post was for humor not out of a profound belief in the hypothetical statments:wall:)


Well-Known Member
Hmmm well iq tests for the first part dont test real intelligence because they require knowledge and if intelligence is to be based on knowledge then intelligence is just a word people use to describe their wealth of knowledge.


Well-Known Member
i can prove god does not exist

the simple fact that there are hundreds of religions in this world and only one can be right, means that 99.99999% of all the other religions are wrong and that 99.9999999% of religous people are actually praying to nothing!

i take it a step further and say if there's gonna be so many religions out there who insist they are right when we know by default that 99.9999% of them are wrong, then you can surmize that actually 100% of them are wrong

and there bees no god.:peace:

chew on that for a moment and tell me what you come up withbongsmilie

That's a shit argument mate, try again.


New Member
Hmmm well iq tests for the first part dont test real intelligence because they require knowledge and if intelligence is to be based on knowledge then intelligence is just a word people use to describe their wealth of knowledge.

You are incorrect. IQ tests measure a person's ability to use logic. Nothing more than an 8th grade education is needed to take an accurate IQ test.
You might be thinking of SAT'S

Try again.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
<FONT color=blue>I am a beleiver in God. We are but a speck of dust in a single galaxy, not to mention the Universe.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>Reports of Aliens Zooming around at light speed is something we can never dream of. Are brains can not come up with such technology nor an answer to these air craft that are being reported from pilots.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>Same with God, he is the Alpha Omega. We are just but a speck, to understand something so deep, well would proably blow are minds. That is where faith comes in and miracles are testements to his works.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>One day I beleive all of us will know the truth, and it will be like our living days was just a dream and the truth is something we always knew and understood but just could not fathom the truth while on earth.</FONT>
<P>No offense GoldenGanja,&nbsp;but I am using your writing as an example of ignorance. The assumptions that there is something more; that we are more than just another ant in the farm; is ignorance. </P>
<P>Unfortunately I believe that religion is used as a crutch for the weak and oppresed. When allowed to, or better yet guided in free, un-restricted thinking one can come to their own conclusions about existence. From that, you can choose the facts that have been proven by science; (side note:&nbsp;Science and Math.... why are they the only universal languages.... Because <STRONG>Everyone</STRONG> whether human or not abides by their "laws".... How many Religions/Gods are there. so how can <STRONG>Any&nbsp;</STRONG>be<STRONG> </STRONG>correct????) Or you can&nbsp;persue a <EM>group of individuals</EM> beliefs, conform your life to&nbsp;<STRONG>Their</STRONG> style,&nbsp;continuously persuing acceptance, and most of the time even ending up supporting them financially. That;&nbsp;I consider&nbsp;to be another BS factor of religion that another forum could be devoted to. </P>
<P>As for the topic of the thread; IQ scores are bogus as the equations factor in age and therefore skew the&nbsp;results of being an accurate measure of any individuals intelligence against the remaining population... Except where applied to&nbsp;homogenous groups. </P>
<P>That bieng said, I am a Mech. Engineering Senior and have the unfortunate experience of going to campus and dealing with highly educated individuals who even with their strong beliefs in science and math have even a stronger belief in the teachings of their Sunday morning Pastor. In fact they seem to Blindly&nbsp;absorb&nbsp;these&nbsp;lessons more&nbsp;than those of their professors. </P>
<P>Finally: Rather than solely basing the belief in God on IQ we should incorporate the individuals surroundings; their family, friends, race, associatons&nbsp;and community where they grew up. From such&nbsp;like groups, their faith, or lack there of will have no correlation with IQ.</P>

hmmmm.. I dont know whats up with the coding.... sorry this is my first post.