People with higher IQs are less likely to believe in God, according to a new study.


New Member
The reason why age is used as a variable is because your strength in logic should INCREASE as you age.... it helps in maintaining accuracy...and they are accurate.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i posted my rant on another thread the other day (vote: do you beleive in god). One question for my god believing friends :

The bible says god created the earth and everything in it around 6-10,000 years ago. So how does that corloate with the known fact that the earth is around 5billion years old?

We have several atomic clocks that all point to roughly the same date

(shit Darwin would have been proud of me)


New Member
i posted my rant on another thread the other day (vote: do you beleive in god). One question for my god believing friends :

The bible says god created the earth and everything in it around 6-10,000 years ago. So how does that corloate with the known fact that the earth is around 5billion years old?

We have several atomic clocks that all point to roughly the same date

(shit Darwin would have been proud of me)
Pretty simple really.... they dismiss the 6 billion year data.

here's a real stumper using the Bible...

Since there is a gap in Christianity after the SUPPOSED death of Jesus of at least 60 years...what happened? greates thing ever, and then everyone forgot? :lol:

Then again there is paul (saul) of tsarsus, who was the link between Jesus (supposedly) and the first gospels of Mark (mark who?) Paul is the overwhelming source for all gospels which followed...many years later.
Paul wrote some 80,000 words about Christianity.

He never heard about jesus... (?)
He never heard of a virgin birth... (?)
He never heard of miracles...(?)
He never heard of Mary, Joseph, herod, John the baptist.
He never quotes Jesus.
Paul doesn't know anything about the story of Jesus except three things....
1.) Christ put on the cross
2.) the resurrection
3.) the Ascension.

Paul never places these things on earth but in a mythical realm.

Paul is not even aware that Jesus is a human being...
Hebrews 8:4 "If Jesus HAD been on earth, he would not even have been a priest."

This is the link to the Bible..... it becomes pretty obvious that Jesus was PLANTED later as a real person.

He NEVER existed.....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
This topic could be a book...anyone here see "Religulous"? I saw it again last night, I think the figure was 93% of scientists are atheist or agnostic. It also brings up some very good points, like that Jesus and every other major religious prophet today and their "stories" were all ripped off from the Egyptians. The whole virgin birth thing, the 12 disciples, miracles, rising from the dead, the whole bit is repeated in almost every major religion and all came from Horus. Some of these religious nuts are really scary, I recommend "Bible Camp" for more on that...

Religion has caused more death, suffering, genocide, land theft, and general misery throughout the world than anything else, so here's my view: Nature is the only thing I need to worship, because it gives us all we need. The world is round, everything works in circles, we're all one with nature and each other, every creature has a purpose and as much of a right to be here as we do. You have no control over where you'll be born, what color skin you'll have or what sex organs you'll have, so fighting over this is absolutely stupid and makes no sense. Nature put you here and nature can take you away, there's no imaginary man in the sky, only what we have to work with here. This is hell, and could be heaven if people weren't killing the earth and each other over which imaginary man in the sky is the correct one to hear voices from.


Active Member
i posted my rant on another thread the other day (vote: do you beleive in god). One question for my god believing friends :

The bible says god created the earth and everything in it around 6-10,000 years ago. So how does that corloate with the known fact that the earth is around 5billion years old?

(shit Darwin would have been proud of me)
The belief that the earth is 4.5 billion years old is a faith based belief as is religion. Fact means with 100% accuracy. The old earth and young earth dating methods both lack sificent evidence with which to make them 100% scientific because their is a chance that the unknown could discredit either methodology. However to discredit the old earth theory would take far more errors then the widely unexcepted creationist theory of the young earth.
Two things to easily oppose your argument would be the fact....theory that in the old testament humans lived to ages well above 500 years old and the 10,000 years comes from the statments in revealations about the end of the earth. Which could point to the fact that the way we calculate time now and at that time is two diffrent systems. Also the unfortunate fact of the matter is the bible states God created the earth within 7 days Adam and Eve was after the seventh day of rest but what we do not know is how long after that seventh day they were created. Our perception of time and so called Gods perception could be entirely diffrent.
The funny thing about religious belief systems is the fact that they left out just enough details so that science can not completely discredit the claims without a little faith.
So whether your beliefs lie in science or religion the fact remains, you must have a little faith to discredit either system with the other.
Considering faith as fact makes you as radical in your belief system as any religous nut out there.

(Shit at least Darwin was smart enough to conceal his ignorance as theory:mrgreen:)

People with higher IQ's are less likely to believe in God, according to a new study.

I guess you just kept the argument alive that people with lower IQ's are just as inclined not to believe in God as anyone else:twisted:


New Member
Any serious scientist will never present a new hypothesis as fact. that sort of lazy methodology is only incorporated by religious institutions. Now that is embarrassing. Notice how he skipped the tough posts.

out. :blsmoke:

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
my IQ is 120 and i say religion is the new racism so fu@k jesus, fu@k allah yet recognize the dhali llama for being the outer realm representative. everything we ever searched for was within...


Well-Known Member
Hey, Jesus had the right messages, his current "followers" just don't pay attention to them or practice them at all. Instead of concentrating on being peaceful and understanding towards everything on earth, making sure everyone has shelter, is treated well, and no one goes hungry like Jesus taught, most of his current christians are intolerant and create war, pollution, and death, are greedy, and show only disgust and apathy towards the poor. Jesus was a hippy.


Well-Known Member
You are incorrect. IQ tests measure a person's ability to use logic. Nothing more than an 8th grade education is needed to take an accurate IQ test.
You might be thinking of SAT'S

Try again.

out. :blsmoke:
hmm many psychologists agree.. i can't believe people let themselves be constrained by a number. It's just another of societies horrible norms.


Active Member
Any serious scientist will never present a new hypothesis as fact. that sort of lazy methodology is only incorporated by religious institutions. Now that is embarrassing. Notice how he skipped the tough posts.

out. :blsmoke:
I ask you to reread my post before you light up your blunt so you can understand what I wrote. All I was tring to show was that religion can neither be substantiated nor disproven through science. Your post about Paul and Jesus does nothing but raise questions about a belief system that, had you read my previous posts would see does not align with my personal beliefs. Its embarassing when you misinterpret what you read. Try to keep up with the conversation will ya.


New Member
Since my post about paul was not directed at you...maybe you should put down the blunt.

History is all that is needed to disprove Christianity. Just a quick perusal will show the falsehoods.

out. :blsmoke;


Active Member
Since my post about paul was not directed at you...maybe you should put down the blunt.

Its obvious that your Paul post was not directed towards anyone specific try to keep up. My question is, who then were you refering to in your latter post when you stated "notice how he skipped the tough posts."


New Member
My posts were directed towards Microdizzy. He has still skipped them. I knew he would, since there is no answer.

My post was certainly not directed at you, but you seem intent on answering it.

out. :blsmoke:

Big P

Well-Known Member

after all this talk about iq's i took the test, just got my results back,

131 :bigjoint:

Descriptive Classifications of Intelligence Quotients IQDescription% of Population
130+Very superior 2.2%
120-129Superior 6.7%
110-119High average 16.1%
90-109Average 50%
80-89Low average 16.1%
70-79Borderline 6.7%
Below 70Extremely low 2.2%

140 Top Civil Servants; Professors and Research Scientists.
130 Physicians and Surgeons; Lawyers; Engineers (Civil and Mechanical)
120 School Teachers; Pharmacists; Accountants; Nurses; Stenographers; Managers.
110 Foremen; Clerks; Telephone Operators; Salesmen; Policemen; Electricians.
100+ Machine Operators; Shopkeepers; Butchers; Welders; Sheet Metal Workers.
100- Warehousemen; Carpenters; Cooks and Bakers; Small Farmers; Truck and Van Drivers.
90 Laborers; Gardeners; Upholsterers; Farmhands; Miners; Factory Packers and Sorters.

And to think all the brains Ive wasted smokin pot I could have been a surgeon:bigjoint:

would anyone like me to operate on them:-P


Well-Known Member
In 1906, when Albert Einstein published his Special Theory of Relativity, he was interviewed by a reporter from Chicago and was asked by that reporter if he believed in God. Einstein reply, a definitive "NO!!". 2 decades later in 1926, when Einstein published his General Theory of Relativity, he happen to be interviewed by that very same reporter and again the reporter asked him if he believed in God, but this time, Einstein prelied with a definitive "Yes!!"

What Changed between 1906/1926............Einstein had the opportunity to probe his science deep enough to reach the Mystical, and in doing so....... came to the realization that God did, in fact exist. He REalized that although True mysticism and True science are seemingly traveling in diametrically opposite directions, not only will they meet but must meet.

WHY? Because Truth is Truth!! The ultimate truth of the mystical experience must be the same as the ultimate truth realized through the deepest of scientific explorations. In Reality, they are the same----if not in technique or philosophy, then in attempting to reach the True source of all existence: GOD.

I Wonder how smart Albert wuz?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly." -Albert Einstein.
Albert Einstein beleived in God,Nuff Said?