
Active Member
rollguitar (2).jpgrollituppic4 (2).jpgrollituppic3 (2).jpgrollituppic.jpgrollituppainting (2).jpgI changed my settings, I guess I had it on basic interface and not enhanced. Seemed to work. Couple pictures of my paintings, one of one of my guitars, a couple of me. Don't make fun of my hair in one, I was working on it :D:D


Well-Known Member
Carne found his/her avatar picture on some website. Lol.
? Soooo maybe she's on other websites too. Would make sense. Or someone could have stolen her picture. I just think she has an awful lot of pictures of the same person for it to not be her. But. Whatever I guess. I just wanna know where the rock is.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
remember bethany brawndo and her artfully photoshopped tumblr pic that cryptkeeper and another guy exposed as fake?

we need the RIU detectives on the unlucky case again.
ya I remember. I gotta side with buck put whoever that picture is of, she is gorgeous!! lol


Active Member
I just took this one of my dog and I. Ok I am done. Just a little peak into my life. :D Nothing WRONG with chubby, people's idea of chubby these days is what I call healthy. Thin is now a size 00. charlieme (2).jpg


Well-Known Member
? Soooo maybe she's on other websites too. Would make sense. Or someone could have stolen her picture. I just think she has an awful lot of pictures of the same person for it to not be her. But. Whatever I guess. I just wanna know where the rock is.
Oh yeah! I almost forgot! It was an avatar website that Carne found it on. And the profile picture of Unlucky looks nothing like the avatar picture. We solved this case a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah! I almost forgot! It was an avatar website that Carne found it on. And the profile picture of Unlucky looks nothing like the avatar picture. We solved this case a long time ago.
the pic she just posted and the avatar look nothing alike, NOT the same person.

i'm gonna go mow the lawn, someone come get me if unlucky ever posts a proof pic, although she never will (or it will be a bethany brawndo style photoshop).


Well-Known Member
? Soooo maybe she's on other websites too. Would make sense. Or someone could have stolen her picture. I just think she has an awful lot of pictures of the same person for it to not be her. But. Whatever I guess. I just wanna know where the rock is.
now that will be china ;-) x


Well-Known Member
I've had people email me that my pictures were on other sites. Facebook, myspace, dating sites, forum boards, all over. But I held up my RIU sign already so. I'm good.


Well-Known Member
lol this thread is too funny.... i don't care if dude is a fake or not... i do know guy here was using fake bud pics of "his grow" that thread was pretty funny too