
Well-Known Member
Hasn't that been said about 5000 times?

Common sense; if you want to post your face post it, if you don't want to, don't

If you are legal, there's no problem if you're not, well that's down to you and It has been said 6099090384849 times the Feds are not going to come after your small-change grow even if they had all our addresses. Stating the obvious much lol
why you gotta be so blunt.....what did I do......besides*EDIT* ask a question with an obvious answer!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I've had a lot of accoustics and played even more.. I'm totally in love with my Taylor and would marry it if I could lol.

Junk, shitty sounding guitars can really ruin it for ya.. But when you pick up that "ONE" everything just flows.. I love it.


Well-Known Member
Yes for sure hehe, funny thing is I call them out on it, then they act all mad at me and act they actually care about me or something lmfao whatever dude deuces, no more pics for him !!!


New Member
Don't think he ever will, checked his last posts and doesn't seem to have been back sense. Dunno if he was just trolling or truley embarrassed, either way, funny shit lol.


Well-Known Member
rainman. Come back.....would take huge balls to come back but the worst is over...just curious why you tried that ...too funny tho.