Hey @sunni, I'm really liking Buck's idea; a lot. Videograph the whole trip; the scenery, any weird shit that absolutely will occur, people, etc This has a lot of merit, I like it and deserves to be discussed.
i know man i like buck too, but Thor is my baby, so ya'll understad the skepticism plus it a VERY LONG DRIVE.
...and than theres the , i would have to get to a certain part of AK to meet the husband and get ont he ferry with thor because you cant drive into the island ill be living at.

Also Thor is a handful, ....hes a very powerful strong dog, who really just respects me and only me, and if it isnt me with him hes bat shit crazy ....so it takes a lot of love and patience to handle him
i know man i like buck too, but Thor is my baby, so ya'll understad the skepticism plus it a VERY LONG DRIVE.
...and than theres the , i would have to get to a certain part of AK to meet the husband and get ont he ferry with thor because you cant drive into the island ill be living at.

Also Thor is a handful, ....hes a very powerful strong dog, who really just respects me and only me, and if it isnt me with him hes bat shit crazy ....so it takes a lot of love and patience to handle him

i have a little dachschund that could keep thor in check.
LOL im so obessed with weather for some reason LOL
me too sunni. I love that shit. Me n the wife are gonna do a storm chase for our 10yr anniversary
Those shades are cool as fuck.
right on. I like big frames. It stops people from callin 2pac all the time
Wow - I feel for you my friend, it's 54 deg F w/ showers here today.
that the perfect weather for my line of work
Fucking 112 here today with 60% humidity. Fuck that noise!!!!
damn bruh that sux. But for me once its over 101, it all feels the same to me. It got up to 132* in the box of my truck. Today sucked ass
me too sunni. I love that shit. Me n the wife are gonna do a storm chase for our 10yr anniversary
right on. I like big frames. It stops people from callin 2pac all the time
that the perfect weather for my line of work
damn bruh that sux. But for me once its over 101, it all feels the same to me. It got up to 132* in the box of my truck. Today sucked ass

Even with yo big rims your still 2pac to me :P
mine faced down my neighbor's rottweiler.

The one we had when I was a kid used to chase horses. I'd have to apologize to the rider and carry the little shit back to the yard.

He used to unlatch the leash from his collar somehow and climb over the chainlink fence in the yard. You had to watch him if you let him outside.
The one we had when I was a kid used to chase horses. I'd have to apologize to the rider and carry the little shit back to the yard.

He used to unlatch the leash from his collar somehow and climb over the chainlink fence in the yard. You had to watch him if you let him outside.

horses love my mastiff mix, they'll come right up to him. they probably think he is a weird smelling pony. but one day i was walking him and the dachshund home past a horse property and they started freaking out and galloping wildly in circles. poor damn horses.
They are definately the most fierce
Honey badgers are assholes. Dachsies are sweet and lovable - unless you fuck with one.

As you may know, a dachs is a badger in German. Those little weenies were bred to go into a badger hole and kill them. Tough dogs, especially in a tunnel.
my grandpa had two dachs when i was a kid. Both kept sniffing up foxtails. Had to go to the vet many times. Fuckin hound dogs! My ridgeback did the same thing one time. Fuckin hound dogs