Piper84 Blue Dream 600w Grow with HIGH HOPES


Well-Known Member
Thank you Mr. and New for the compliments, I believe that the branches on my plants will be able to hold the coming swelling, they are all as thick as no.2 pencils or thicker. But it wouldnt be bad if the buds are so heavy they need help. Last grow I did my MK Ultra needed its branches to be held up I grabbed some fishing line and tied them up to my framing of my old tent


Well-Known Member
Forgot to post this pic that I took yesterday morning at lights on.

Just kinda gives you idea of what its looking like from a wider shot then close ups.



Forgot to post this pic that I took yesterday morning at lights on.

Just kinda gives you idea of what its looking like from a wider shot then close ups.
Looks nice, just placed an order for some HSO and TGA gear. Blue Dream being one of the selections from HSO, going with 1000w 5/5 with cfl supplementation. Shoot you a pm when I start my journal?


Well-Known Member
sweet, I am pleased with the HSO BD so far and I look forward to getting some TGA in the future, I have never grown out regular seeds before so it will be a new experience for me and I will probably veg them at least till I see the sex of them instead of taking clone and throwing in flower to sex them I know you can force sex them in veg by turning the lights to 12/12 until you see what you have then switch back but I think that is a little too risky to hermie them but I am sure that since its TGA it won't have a problem but don't wanna chance it. Let me know what gear you are gonna pick up.


Well-Known Member
Middle of Week 4 Pics and updates:

Almost a month behind me in flower now and 1.5 more to go! I am pleased with the budding process so far still have a long way to go though but getting there. I am also a little disappointed with the progress of the new crop but less intense light so what can I expect. I watered the babies this morning and moved the light closer to hopefully get something going with those two. I will say that I noticed roots at the base of each pot so maybe they were rooting all this time? Anyways enjoy the pics and may mother nature bestow a plentiful boutique for me soon.:-P



Well-Known Member
It is offical: We have frost caps on these plants, When I went to hang up a branch today whenever I brush across the girls I end up smelling like em thats not a bad thing but I cant help but notice that they are all basically frosted on tops and undergrowth, Sad to say that it looks like all my trimming was in vain because I am seeing some popcorn buds dammit. Well it seems that they will be re-purposed to include in my trim to make the hash. Good for the has bad for the buds. But live and let live, if thats the worst I can say then I think I will make it.


Your friendly neighborhood stoner.


Well-Known Member
Also I thought I would put it out there that I am 99% sure that it would be better to put 2-600w lights in there as opposed to 1-1000w because im getting 200 extra watts?

Thoughts on should I stick with 2 smaller hoods or Get like a Dual bulb Raptor hood for my 5x5 tent? Opinions would be greatly appreciated. I personally think the one dual bulb hood would be better since that would save me on extra ducting and just going to a bigger intake fan and filter, I know that my 6" exhaust is doing just fine. Another reason I am leaning towards the Dual bulb hood is that I could have 1-HPS and 1-MH bulb in there the entire time that way the plants would be getting a broader spectrum of light instead of having to get 2 more bulbs for each cycle?


Well-Known Member
hey mate there looking good as usual i my self use a 600w hps for veg and flower and use coco and get nice yields was watering my blue dream last night and a branch fell of its only just started week 7 cant wait to see how they turn out only my second grow but they look awsome only thing is theres a lot of popcorn but i use that for oil or bubble hash still have some buds though my tallest one is 6ft, im uploading some pictures to my profile tonight if you want a look mate.


Well-Known Member
about weeks 4 for the smaller ones and 5 for the more sativa ones think they will all be down in the middle of the 9th week though lights come on at 7 will be checking them over and getting some pictures tonight mate


Well-Known Member
ok sounds good. I am going to be starting the 5th week soon. I was planning on running them out to a full 9 weeks. Going to flush begining of 8th week.


Well-Known Member
yeah i thought they would have went longer at first with it being a cross with haze but there really fat checked with 100x microscpe but trichomes are still clear.


Well-Known Member
yeah I have a 60-100x handheld that I will be using. They are starting to swell but far from being done.


Well-Known Member
Middle of Week 4 Pics and updates:

Almost a month behind me in flower now and 1.5 more to go! I am pleased with the budding process so far still have a long way to go though but getting there. I am also a little disappointed with the progress of the new crop but less intense light so what can I expect. I watered the babies this morning and moved the light closer to hopefully get something going with those two. I will say that I noticed roots at the base of each pot so maybe they were rooting all this time? Anyways enjoy the pics and may mother nature bestow a plentiful boutique for me soon.:-P
I see a lot of stretch Its advised next round bring down the lights and read up on LSTing its great for a person with your type of space, not trying to be a dick but all that space where you don't see plant matter you should have nuggs.


Well-Known Member
I plan on doing mainlining next time, I did supercrop all 3 plants twice and topped 1 once. I was expecting the plants to be taller but the one plant being taller then the other 2 kinda made me raise the light because it was getting too close to the hood. I was screwed. Hopefully next time will be better results.


Well-Known Member
I could of probably also did a scrog but i was lazy. I am just hoping to get at least a bow from these plants since they vegged for 3 months. But only time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Let it begin-Week 5:

Here are some shots that I just took when the lights turned off. Let them swell, let them swell



Well-Known Member
Time is flying by and getting close to the final countdown. had to tie up some more branches on one of the plants to make a total of 3 or 4 branches that are being strung up. Im guessing better now then later