Plant is Growing to Tall. What do you do? +rep


Well-Known Member
i honestly dont think you should do anything to the plants. i mean you either mess with them and shock them during the flowering stage, depending on how important this bud is for you (i dont know if your a caregiver or just consumer) i would think its probably better to get another 400w'r and put them in a diff. area.

it sucks but i bet you will rem. how much these effer's stretched for next time


Well-Known Member
i honestly dont think you should do anything to the plants. i mean you either mess with them and shock them during the flowering stage, depending on how important this bud is for you (i dont know if your a caregiver or just consumer) i would think its probably better to get another 400w'r and put them in a diff. area.

it sucks but i bet you will rem. how much these effer's stretched for next time
I am going to tie them down there is noware else in my house that i want to put them. These plants are for myself.

I am a caregiver but all those plants are outdoor.


Well-Known Member
So ended up bending the plants over into a L shape.

i snapped the main stem by first sqeezing the main stem with my fingers about half way down the plant were the tressling starts, (a supercrop bend) on all the plants.

The plant was bent into a L shape.

They have already recoverd and all the bottom branches are now pushing there way up to the light.

a success........

here are some pics 1 day after​


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm always hesitant to do anything to my gals, once they've started flowering. I've heard that you can supercrop during flowering, but never tried it, so it'll be interesting to see how it turns out. :)
What kinda light do you have? Metal Halide and florescent are good for vegetative growth because the blue spectrum promotes a good up and lanky growth a High Pressure Sodium is good for flowering cuz of the red spectrum and it promotes bushier growth. You can bend the branches down but i wouldnt cut anything, all cloneing and pinching for more splits should be done bfore you flower it cuz its all potential bud except for the main leaves (obviously).


Well-Known Member
What kinda light do you have? Metal Halide and florescent are good for vegetative growth because the blue spectrum promotes a good up and lanky growth a High Pressure Sodium is good for flowering cuz of the red spectrum and it promotes bushier growth. You can bend the branches down but i wouldnt cut anything, all cloneing and pinching for more splits should be done bfore you flower it cuz its all potential bud except for the main leaves (obviously).
I'm going to have to disagree with that, because you have it backwards. Red promotes stretching, and blue does the opposite. :)


Well-Known Member
What kinda light do you have? Metal Halide and florescent are good for vegetative growth because the blue spectrum promotes a good up and lanky growth a High Pressure Sodium is good for flowering cuz of the red spectrum and it promotes bushier growth. You can bend the branches down but i wouldnt cut anything, all cloneing and pinching for more splits should be done bfore you flower it cuz its all potential bud except for the main leaves (obviously).
you do have it backwords,

my light is a 600, and i already snapped the main stem over and my plants have all recoverd within 24 hours(supercroped), i have more shoots then i know what to do with.

you can supercrop once flowering has started as long as you are in your first couple weeks with out any issues, except mybe a extra week of flower wich is not a big deal.

of course the prefferd method is to do it while in vegg still but my plants were out growing my 7 foot tent and i had to make a decision fast before they got any older.

and it turned out perfect, all the bottom shoots are all standing up pushed threw the veggitation and now the canopy is fairly level

I also have a shorter strain in the front of the tent (9 of them) so supercroping the big plants down to there level helped with the issue of the light not reaching my shorter plants.

I think also as long as the main stem is still a little soft and not like wood yet you are OK


Well-Known Member
as u can see in the pic there is no room to tie down. the plants i am talking about are the ones in the back. Super Critical Haze
You are scrog growing, why aren't you training the tops into the net? There is no reason for the canopy to be uneven if that scrog picture is your crop.


Well-Known Member
You are scrog growing, why aren't you training the tops into the net? There is no reason for the canopy to be uneven if that scrog picture is your crop.
it was not ment to be a scrog grow.

i had no choice, i had to supercrop them. i was not planning on supercroping them. ran out of space


I was trying to LST my plant about 1.5 weeks into flowering and ended up bending the main stem 90 degrees (upside down L). I guess that is what you did? I panicked and tied the main stem back up to full height and it repaired itself quickly. I liked the profile of the plant after it had bent over but I didn't know if the stem would properly repair itself while being bent so severely. I guess from reading this thread I was wrong and could have just left it that way? I wonder if it's too late to do it now (about 2.5 weeks into flowering and after having already stressed her once).
