Plant leaf discoloration, nUtE DEF??? or?


Well-Known Member
<if you don't wanna read>
genetics malawi gold / unknown african landrace
flower time 10-16 weeks
age 2 months, 5 weeks flower forgot veg time :)
soil (home made) redsoil, sawdust, seed/fish meal, rabbit/chicken manure(composted 7 months +)

well am worried about her cuz she is in flower 5 weeks and her other sisters (same batch of seeds) never lost any leaves or looked discolored, and they are 3 weeks to Finnish and still there leaves look nice. She looks great otherwise tho so i don't know whats up. i feed her molasses and manure teas every 2-3 weeks i also use EM (effective microorganisms) basically beneficial microbes. so what you guys think,, def or??



Well-Known Member
so any one think its any thing other than nitro deff? i d get it that soil is full of food am worried about addiing any more


Well-Known Member
lolz no big deal i skimm too thats why i put that section up there for ppl who don't want to :)


Well-Known Member
On several plants for a week I have been picking off about 20-30 leafs every single day at the bottom from yellowing and the yellowing has been working its way up the plants.
Three days ago I gave those plants a dose of Bat Guano 10-1-1 and for the first time not a single leaf has turned yellow in 3 days.
I am convinced mine were yellowing and dropping because of needing N. Now no yellowing and drops and I am very happy and releaved finally.

Btw, my Fox farm soil has plenty food but I feed the Guano anyway with no ill effects.
I can't say that will be your case if you feed higher N.


Well-Known Member
But the food in FFOF only lasts 2-3 weeks then you wanna start feeding.. and to above poster I AM SOOOOO GLAD SOMEONE IS REALIZING THAT YOU STILL NEED NITROGEN DURING FLOWERING


Well-Known Member
welll i don't have a ppm meter, :( is there a way to check ghetto way like using baking soda and vinegar to check ur ph? and what do you guys think i can use to ad n that doesn't include drenching the plant ?


Well-Known Member
you guys have also to consider my location, (no fox farm no MG i need basic materials) :)